I can't believe we were in Iowa almost a month ago! When we returned we
got some nasty colds, followed by a week of the stomach bug. It was
nast-y! Carly had a temp of over 102 and was dispersing her bodily
fluids all over the place and just wanted to be held. Brian & I
knew we were bound and determined to get it, so we made a trip to the
store that night to get 7-Up, Gatorade & soup. Good thing we
did...because the next few days were quite miserable. You know what I
learned, though? Having the stomach bug when you're pregnant is pretty
similar (dare I say easier) than the first trimester nausea. I'm glad I
can officially say just how bad my nausea is during the first 3 months.
It's every bit as bad as the flu. But...that also mean't I could tough
it out...so guess what pregnant mama went to work about 12 hours after
my last "episode?" This mama. I didn't think I was contagious anymore
and I had a party I was in charge of putting on..so it was off to work I
went! Our babysitter came to the house to watch Carly while Brian got
to spend the day recovering in our bedroom. His flu came on 12 hours
after mine...so he was still in pretty bad shape when I left for work.
I'll never forget crawling around on the floor putting on my make up and
Brian saying, "are you really going to work?" But... we made it through
just in time to enjoy the beautiful 60s and 70 degree days!
Ahhh...yes...you read that right...fall is finally, finally here. We have had our air conditioning off for about 3 days now and if feels so wonderful to have fresh air running through the house. The temp is bound to get back up into the 80s before we are really home free, but this week has been a "breath of fresh air." I entered my third trimester last week and got approval from my doctor to continue running as long as I wear a belly brace! YAY! She encouraged me that exercise is so healthy during pregnancy and to continue doing so. I need to start doing squats and more light lifting if I'm going to labor the way I intend to...but I am lacking motivation in that part. I also need to eat healthier. I remember very clearly having significant sweet cravings during my last trimester with Carly and I put on over 30 pounds in those last 12 weeks (making my total weight gain 65 pounds). So far I've only gained 18...do you think I can stay at my goal of 30 pounds total and only gain one more pound/week from here on out? I doubt it...but I do think I can stay under 40. I think I've baked every day this week...I seriously need to stop that!
Speaking of pregnancy, I thought I'd reflect on this pregnancy for a moment...that is before I get so uncomfortable that I forget it was ever a positive experience. Ah, I'm just kidding. I am so blessed to be able to carry and even though there are A LOT of nasty things that come along with carrying a baby, I don't think any of them can overshadow the fact that my body is capable of forming a human being. Luke is every bit as active as Carly was, and I appreciate every little movement. I lay in bed feeling him move all around and use that time for prayer and thanksgiving. I don't mind that he keeps me up or that I can't sit up on my own anymore...or that rolling over in bed is like a great migration. It's just a special moment that only I get to experience. Definitely thankful.
I'm also beautiful. This is a BIG deal for me to say. But really, I've come to the realization that pregnancy is a beautiful thing for so many reasons, and my body is beautiful during this time. Yes I feel big, yes I am excited to be thin again, but I'm pretty comfortable in my skin this time around. Obviously only putting on 18 pounds at this point rather than 35 is a pretty major factor in feeling pretty, but my mindset is also quite different than it was when I was carrying Carly. I feel feminine, empowered and beautiful. It shocks me that my body can so successfully grow and stretch to accommodate a growing baby. It's a treasure to be had, and I'm thankful I've matured to a point that I can say that and feel confident in the way I am carrying. Our bodies our temples to begin with, uniquely designed by God's hand, but I look at myself in the mirror these days and think nothing but thoughts of how precious my body is during this period of life. Praise God for molding me into the woman I am today....both inside and out.
I think belly pics in general are a bit awkward, but I snapped this today while we were playing on the porch and decided it was beautiful enough to share. :)
I get lots of comments at work, but this time most of them are kind rather than discouraging. I need to get out that top 10 list I sent my friends & family when I was pregnant with Carly to see if I've experienced any of those comments again. Everyone has their opinion...whether I'm carrying too big, too small or just perfect. It depends mostly on what I wear and the stature of the person talking to me. You wouldn't believe how many women who are a good 5 inches shorter than I will comment that I look big. Why yes, I am a much larger person than you in general. ;) All in all, not a day goes by at work that someone doesn't tell me that I look beautiful. In fact, not a day goes by at all....because when I'm home Brian makes sure to tell me the same thing. He's thanked me quite a bit for carrying his son. I'm looking forward to them meeting one another. :)
I'll have to write more about fall and the festivities we've been able to take part in the past week another time, but here's a few photos of Carly in one of the first days of her wearing long sleeves in Florida!
Monday, October 28, 2013
Sunday, October 20, 2013
"Baby You Light Up My World Like Nobody Else" {20 Months}
We have a little girl, folks. Not a baby, but a precious little person who is becoming her own but certainly cut from the same cloth as her mommy and daddy (but more her mommy...unless we are talking looks). If you would have asked me two weeks ago, I would have said she was practically perfect in every way and a very easy child. But after a bad cold and the stomach bug, I was thinking differently. Fortunately for all of us, we are healthy as of today and ready to have some light-hearted, easy-going fun.
Out of the last 20 months of life, I would say Carly has changed the least between my 18-month post about her and this one. The changes are in her language capabilities and her understanding of the world around her...a theme I know we will see for the next several years. Her interests are similar to previous posts, and that BIG personality just gets more fun. She hasn't stopped moving since she was 14 weeks in utero and I felt her kick for the first time, and watching her, as she would say, "go-go," is a beautiful sight.
The most difficult aspect of our journey if stopped for a moment is trying to understand what Carly is saying. She is so good at using her words, but still has quite a few things that sound like gibberish to us. She uses these gibberish words and when we don't know what she is saying it turns into whining, which can often lead to a full out fit. It's frustrating for all involved, and we feel so bad that we can't understand what she's saying. I know many parents go through this stage, and if I've learned anything from the last 20 months, it is that this too will pass. I know in a couple months she will be speaking so much clearer, but until then we have a frustrated little girl on our hands. The other aspect of this moment in time is her STRONG desire for sweet treats. Ahh...did I say cut from the same cloth as her mama? I LOVE sweets and lack self control in that area...so naturally I wanted to share the sweetness with my child. Well, that child doesn't understand moderation and is extremely good at observing where we hide the sweets. She will walk into the kitchen and tug on the freezer drawer or stand in the pantry and point up with a strong whine in her voice at least 25 times/day. She knows there are M&Ms in the pantry and Popsicles in the freezer. And if we bring candy home and leave it on the counter...you can just forget about dinner! Brian and I are getting better about not having sweets in the house at all, but until we completely phase them out, it will continue to be a battle. Brian had the brilliant idea of buying Popsicle molds and filling them up with gatorade...so at least now when we give her a Popsicle she's not eating pure sugar. It also allowed us to sneak Tylenol in her pops last week when she had the flu!
Carly is most interested in her books when she is inside and most interested in the leaves when she is outside. She also has a true love for ducks when outdoors and a major infatuation for her stuffed animals when inside. Besides her beloved monkey, she is totally attached to a Simba plush that Brian used to ask me to Prom our Senior year of high school (precious!) and a Pooh Bear that Tiff graciously carried on a plane for Carly one of her trips here. A little girl even said to her..."look, you and I have matching stuffed animals!!" Hahaha...Tiff LOVED having a matching stuffed animal with a 4-year-old on a plane full of people going to Disney. ;) But Pooh Bear is WELL loved. In fact, Simba & Pooh HAVE to sit on my lap while we read our bedtime story and she will NOT go down until she has kissed both goodnight. Again, she's cut from that same cloth as her mama. I remember kissing EACH and every one of my animals goodnight before going to bed...and slept with a stuffed Teddy until CARLY WAS BORN!
Carly loves to pray to Jesus. She holds out her hands and bows her head before dinner and after our goodnight song will start saying, "Jesus," signaling she's ready to pray. She throws her hands up in the air to say, "Amen" and will continually ask to pray all throughout a meal. It's funny to me, actually, because neither Brian or I grew up holding hands for prayer at the dinner table, but it's become a very important part of our dining together. If we are out to eat and forget to pray before a meal, we will see ten little fingers thrust out and request that we pause in gratitude for our food. I think we are only a few short months away from really diving in and teaching Carly about her Creator and that we were made to glorify Him.
Carly is one happy, outgoing, opinionated little girl and is nothing shy of a gift to this household. Brian and I frequently call her an angel...she was truly a God-sent gift who would change our lives forever. She is the most social little person I've ever met and frequently exercises her ability to say, "no." She can run, jump, walk backwards, crawl and dance quite well and is discovering new abilities all the time. She can name almost every member of her 1st extended family and has the most expressive face you will ever see. Her blonde curls just get longer, along with that cute little body. She has the perfect sleep schedule (11 hours at night with a 2-hour nap in the afternoons) allowing her to be one of the happiest kids on the block. I'm so grateful for all the one-on-one time I get with my second favorite person on planet Earth.
20 months old. Next up...2 years! I'm in shock.
Out of the last 20 months of life, I would say Carly has changed the least between my 18-month post about her and this one. The changes are in her language capabilities and her understanding of the world around her...a theme I know we will see for the next several years. Her interests are similar to previous posts, and that BIG personality just gets more fun. She hasn't stopped moving since she was 14 weeks in utero and I felt her kick for the first time, and watching her, as she would say, "go-go," is a beautiful sight.
The most difficult aspect of our journey if stopped for a moment is trying to understand what Carly is saying. She is so good at using her words, but still has quite a few things that sound like gibberish to us. She uses these gibberish words and when we don't know what she is saying it turns into whining, which can often lead to a full out fit. It's frustrating for all involved, and we feel so bad that we can't understand what she's saying. I know many parents go through this stage, and if I've learned anything from the last 20 months, it is that this too will pass. I know in a couple months she will be speaking so much clearer, but until then we have a frustrated little girl on our hands. The other aspect of this moment in time is her STRONG desire for sweet treats. Ahh...did I say cut from the same cloth as her mama? I LOVE sweets and lack self control in that area...so naturally I wanted to share the sweetness with my child. Well, that child doesn't understand moderation and is extremely good at observing where we hide the sweets. She will walk into the kitchen and tug on the freezer drawer or stand in the pantry and point up with a strong whine in her voice at least 25 times/day. She knows there are M&Ms in the pantry and Popsicles in the freezer. And if we bring candy home and leave it on the counter...you can just forget about dinner! Brian and I are getting better about not having sweets in the house at all, but until we completely phase them out, it will continue to be a battle. Brian had the brilliant idea of buying Popsicle molds and filling them up with gatorade...so at least now when we give her a Popsicle she's not eating pure sugar. It also allowed us to sneak Tylenol in her pops last week when she had the flu!
Carly is most interested in her books when she is inside and most interested in the leaves when she is outside. She also has a true love for ducks when outdoors and a major infatuation for her stuffed animals when inside. Besides her beloved monkey, she is totally attached to a Simba plush that Brian used to ask me to Prom our Senior year of high school (precious!) and a Pooh Bear that Tiff graciously carried on a plane for Carly one of her trips here. A little girl even said to her..."look, you and I have matching stuffed animals!!" Hahaha...Tiff LOVED having a matching stuffed animal with a 4-year-old on a plane full of people going to Disney. ;) But Pooh Bear is WELL loved. In fact, Simba & Pooh HAVE to sit on my lap while we read our bedtime story and she will NOT go down until she has kissed both goodnight. Again, she's cut from that same cloth as her mama. I remember kissing EACH and every one of my animals goodnight before going to bed...and slept with a stuffed Teddy until CARLY WAS BORN!
Carly loves to pray to Jesus. She holds out her hands and bows her head before dinner and after our goodnight song will start saying, "Jesus," signaling she's ready to pray. She throws her hands up in the air to say, "Amen" and will continually ask to pray all throughout a meal. It's funny to me, actually, because neither Brian or I grew up holding hands for prayer at the dinner table, but it's become a very important part of our dining together. If we are out to eat and forget to pray before a meal, we will see ten little fingers thrust out and request that we pause in gratitude for our food. I think we are only a few short months away from really diving in and teaching Carly about her Creator and that we were made to glorify Him.
Carly is one happy, outgoing, opinionated little girl and is nothing shy of a gift to this household. Brian and I frequently call her an angel...she was truly a God-sent gift who would change our lives forever. She is the most social little person I've ever met and frequently exercises her ability to say, "no." She can run, jump, walk backwards, crawl and dance quite well and is discovering new abilities all the time. She can name almost every member of her 1st extended family and has the most expressive face you will ever see. Her blonde curls just get longer, along with that cute little body. She has the perfect sleep schedule (11 hours at night with a 2-hour nap in the afternoons) allowing her to be one of the happiest kids on the block. I'm so grateful for all the one-on-one time I get with my second favorite person on planet Earth.
20 months old. Next up...2 years! I'm in shock.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
"Making Melodies in My Heart"
It all started about a month ago at this point. Our nanny who comes to the house to spend time with Carly twice/week was taking vacation, and I was too lazy to find a replacement. So...I looked up flights to Iowa for that weekend and they happened to be the under $200 round trip...which I don't believe we've seen before! I called up my papa and said if he footed the bill I'd bring his granddaughter to Iowa to see him. He didn't have to think about that for long! We had plans to fly out of St. Petersburg airport; which used to only be an hour from our home...but is now pushing an hour and 45 minutes...so Brian had the brilliant idea of driving over the day before and spending a day and night on the beach! We found a great resort that happened to be a Hilton (some of the beach front resorts are pretty run down) AND we got a Cast discount! We are so, SO glad we went down the day before. Not only did it allow us to be real close to the airport (although due to unexpected traffic I actually checked into my flight only 35 minutes before take off!!) but we also made some delightful memories! It had been nearly 5 months since Carly's first beach experience, and she loved this trip even more than the last one! Other than an afternoon nap, we were on the beach from 11am-7pm!! The girl just couldn't get enough of the white sand between her toes, chasing after the "ducks", swimming in the waves, digging with her shovel, knocking over sand castles and the bright, hot sun. October 2nd and it was 91 degrees that day!
Carly was so obedient on the flight to Iowa. It's simply amazing how much her cognitive ability changes on a monthly basis. Our flight to Iowa in July was just dreadful...but this time it was totally fine. I sat her on my lap, explained my expectations and she stayed in her seat the whole time. She played on the iPod, we read books, ate snacks, looked out the window and played lots of peek-a-boo with the neighbors in front, behind and next to us. :)
We arrived before 10am Thursday morning and were greeted by my mother. Each time we see Carly's grandparents, she warms up quicker and quicker...but this was the first time she didn't need to warm up at all. She knew who Nana was and ran right to her. 19 months. That's how long it took my child who lives across the country from her grandparents to know them without reservation. We scurried up to Ames and played for a while before welcoming Bapa home from work. We got some great tailgating in due to a Thursday night ISU football game, and watched the game with my folks that evening.
Friday morning we welcomed Lindsay and her boys, Eli & Micah. The weather was gorgeous that weekend so Carly wanted only to be outdoors! The kiddos enjoyed playing in the mud and eating rocks until we finally said, enough! We essentially played outside all day long, and I got a great run in. I probably ran a longer distance than I do in Florida and yet it was much, much easier! A cool breeze and 70 degree weather is perfect running conditions!! Mom & I drove to Mason City to pick up Tiff that night and for the first time in over a year someone other than Brian or myself put Carly to bed. I was rather nervous...thinking there was a chance she would still be up when we got home at 11pm...but Bapa said everything went just fine! I'm glad to know that she will likely do just fine next month when she will be staying with my parents on a cruise!
Saturday morning I took Carly to see Brian's folks while I caught up on some girlfriend time. I think they spent most of the morning outdoors playing on the swing and in the flowers. Carly does love flowers! I got to go for a walk with Carley H. on Central Campus & Renee at the Downtown Farmer's Market. It was again, very nice outside!
Saturday evening was spent with Tiff. I was excited that Carly knew her name without prompting! She took one look at her and said, "Tiff!" it was slightly chilly that evening but we braved walking a half mile to El Azteca anyway. :)
Sunday we went to church and then headed to Pleasant Hill to spend the day with my Grandma before flying out at 6pm that evening. It was in the 50's that day and a bit rainy...so leaving wasn't so hard. ;) Mimi got Carly some special mini M&Ms and they were immediately best friends. I also got this great shot of Carly & my Dad overlooking Grandma's farm in the fall season.
The flight back to Florida was not so great...and I completely blame that on her grandparents! ;) She is so loved on and there are zero limits set on her when she's with them...so she naturally was in no mood to obey me on the plane. It does make me laugh...because I know how valuable getting treated like a princess is for a little one. She refused to snooze on the plane, despite being well past her bedtime, but was out after 90 seconds of being in the car. She saw Brian in the airport lobby and yelled his name at the top of her lungs. She was VERY excited to see him. A great ending to a very fun, spontaneous and short trip! (And if you're wondering...Brian played 36 holes of golf, ate out and played his xbox when he wasn't working...so he coped with his ladies being gone just fine).
Carly was so obedient on the flight to Iowa. It's simply amazing how much her cognitive ability changes on a monthly basis. Our flight to Iowa in July was just dreadful...but this time it was totally fine. I sat her on my lap, explained my expectations and she stayed in her seat the whole time. She played on the iPod, we read books, ate snacks, looked out the window and played lots of peek-a-boo with the neighbors in front, behind and next to us. :)
We arrived before 10am Thursday morning and were greeted by my mother. Each time we see Carly's grandparents, she warms up quicker and quicker...but this was the first time she didn't need to warm up at all. She knew who Nana was and ran right to her. 19 months. That's how long it took my child who lives across the country from her grandparents to know them without reservation. We scurried up to Ames and played for a while before welcoming Bapa home from work. We got some great tailgating in due to a Thursday night ISU football game, and watched the game with my folks that evening.
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Carley & her niece, Skylar with Carly & I |
Friday morning we welcomed Lindsay and her boys, Eli & Micah. The weather was gorgeous that weekend so Carly wanted only to be outdoors! The kiddos enjoyed playing in the mud and eating rocks until we finally said, enough! We essentially played outside all day long, and I got a great run in. I probably ran a longer distance than I do in Florida and yet it was much, much easier! A cool breeze and 70 degree weather is perfect running conditions!! Mom & I drove to Mason City to pick up Tiff that night and for the first time in over a year someone other than Brian or myself put Carly to bed. I was rather nervous...thinking there was a chance she would still be up when we got home at 11pm...but Bapa said everything went just fine! I'm glad to know that she will likely do just fine next month when she will be staying with my parents on a cruise!
Saturday morning I took Carly to see Brian's folks while I caught up on some girlfriend time. I think they spent most of the morning outdoors playing on the swing and in the flowers. Carly does love flowers! I got to go for a walk with Carley H. on Central Campus & Renee at the Downtown Farmer's Market. It was again, very nice outside!
Saturday evening was spent with Tiff. I was excited that Carly knew her name without prompting! She took one look at her and said, "Tiff!" it was slightly chilly that evening but we braved walking a half mile to El Azteca anyway. :)
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Selfie? ;) |
Hiding in the closet during a game of Hide-and-Seek |
Sunday we went to church and then headed to Pleasant Hill to spend the day with my Grandma before flying out at 6pm that evening. It was in the 50's that day and a bit rainy...so leaving wasn't so hard. ;) Mimi got Carly some special mini M&Ms and they were immediately best friends. I also got this great shot of Carly & my Dad overlooking Grandma's farm in the fall season.
The flight back to Florida was not so great...and I completely blame that on her grandparents! ;) She is so loved on and there are zero limits set on her when she's with them...so she naturally was in no mood to obey me on the plane. It does make me laugh...because I know how valuable getting treated like a princess is for a little one. She refused to snooze on the plane, despite being well past her bedtime, but was out after 90 seconds of being in the car. She saw Brian in the airport lobby and yelled his name at the top of her lungs. She was VERY excited to see him. A great ending to a very fun, spontaneous and short trip! (And if you're wondering...Brian played 36 holes of golf, ate out and played his xbox when he wasn't working...so he coped with his ladies being gone just fine).
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