My parents told us in November that they would like to make a trip late Jan/early Feb. Once they settled on the dates we approached them and essentially said, " glad you're coming...we'd love to stay...but...we gots to go!" ;) They graciously agreed and said it would be fun to stay with the kids for 72 hours while we were off pretending to be in our twenties again (oh wait...we still are). I have been pregnant or nursing for nearly 4 years so really this was our first opportunity to get away and actually be a part from our kids for a night. This was my first time ever away from Carly...except to have Luke. I sort of started to get emotional when we jumped in the car but I was overcome with excitement as we approached Port Canaveral just an hour later.
The trip went so smoothly...traveling with Brian is always, always easy and very organized! He rarely gets stressed out. We boarded after not waiting in line for our shuttle, to get our pass ports approved or to go through the luggage check (so easy!) and got right to eating. We counted 13 meals & snacks in 3 days. HA! So much for all that weight loss. ;) I managed to only gain 3 pounds in 3 days. ;)
The weekend included us spending every minute by each other's side (except that one time when Brian went up to get us coffee and cookies at 10pm), enjoying activities that we don't get to enjoy with kiddos at our feet or in our arms. Those activities included:
- Rock climbing
- Eating a meal and staying seated the entire time
- Sleeping through the night
- A morning run around the ship while watching the sunrise
- Lifting weights together & at the same time
- Sun bathing
- Jump Trampoline
- Walking around the Bahamas
- Going to shows & comedians
- Having coffee in bed...or any time we wanted to stop and have a drink
- Holding hands
- Sitting in the piano bar
- Going to an art auction
- The hot tub
- Late night strolls around the boat
- Taking naps (we took 2 naps one day....)
- Playing many games of Shuffle Board
- Playing a few games of Ping Pong
- Wearing nice clothes
- Sitting when we felt like it
- Closing our eyes when we wanted to because no one was going to run away
- Having conversations
It was awesome. Three days was perfect! I was a little bit nervous after such a vacation that I wouldn't want to return to being Mom; but turns out I missed my littles just a bit and was really ready for some Carly & Luke snuggles. We arrived home to two very excited-to-see-us children who had clearly been well cared for. Thanks M&D for giving Brian & I the opportunity to have some time as a couple!! So...can we book you for next year...same time, same place? ;)