Can you believe it? I'm actually posting two days in one week! I figured I would write about what we've been up to since coming home from our trip to Iowa. We've had lots of fun hanging out with friends and, of course, introducing Carly to knew things. I also realized I forgot to add photos from when Meg and Nate Greving were here are a few of those.
Meg is holding her niece, Addison, 1 year old |
Carly has transitioned very well to her new care giver, Christi. The first day I dropped her off I cried as I left, knowing that 9 hours with someone other than Brian or I was going to be a first and had the potential to not go real well. Christi gave a good report, however, and Carly did a great job napping for her. She is a bit clingy and wants to be held most of the time, but does that really surprise you? The second day is only a 5 hour day, and when we arrived Carly gave Christi the biggest smile and actually reached for her. That shows the true character of Christi and just how much love she gave our little girl. We are so blessed that she, Jude and Eden are all taking such wonderful care of Carly! I wish they weren't moving in January!! Here is a photo Christi sent me of the kiddos enjoying the outdoors, and a photo Christi took of Carly one afternoon. She is in the process of starting her own business!

Speaking of the Johnson family, we ventured over to Magic Kingdom last week. The kiddos did great and Carly rode in the double stroller (although the below picture does not attest to that)! The Baby Bjorn is very sadly a thing of the past, so this was our first go at the stroller! She is just too heavy...and needs to learn how to be on her own. Our walks have been much shorter the past few weeks because she doesn't last long in the stroller, but she is learning.

Speaking of learning, I am so intrigued as to how Carly is cognitively more aware of her surroundings, and dare I say social norms/expectations. For example, she has pretty much figured out when we are in the car that we aren't coming back there to pick her up, so she better just suck it up and enjoy the ride. She overall does very very well. No more stressful trips to the airport (although more than 35 minutes is still too long for her)! She also responds very well to a situation if I explain it to her. For example, when I'm going to leave the room, if I tell her where I'm going she seems to be much more content. And her expectation is for me to peek over the counter at her when I'm in the kitchen.
Speaking of the kitchen, have I mentioned yet that Carly is back to her normal eating self and has expanded her repertoire and her serving size? Today she watched me puree some sweet potatoes and went crazy! I couldn't get them cooled down and into her mouth fast enough!
Speaking of being a big girl, she has quickly transitioned into being a "big" baby. There is no trace of infancy in her. Even her cries are different. After our trip to Iowa, she was barely able to balance by herself. Two weeks later I can stand her at her music table and walk away confident she wont fall down. She does fall every now and then but she is becoming good at breaking her fall, which is also a valuable tool to learn.

Hmmm...I'm not sure how to tie this one into the next paragraph. Regardless, we were able to spend time with Jenny and her kids, Karis and Issac this week, Stefani and her little baby, Lucas, and spent an afternoon with Brenna at Typhoon Lagoon. Carly is most certainly a water baby...she LOVED the lazy river. Oh my goodness...she just sat on my lap while we laid out on an inter-tube while circling the park 5 TIMES! Yes, she really did love it. She didn't even mind when we when under water falls and got soaking wet. Well, the first time she cried, but I think it's because I was screaming like a junior high girl. Haha, the next few times around I didn't scream. :) I love that Carly's smile brightens up the days of those around her. Everyone who passed us on the lazy river commented on my "water baby" and thanked her for her sweet smile. In church last week the people behind us told her that seeing her beautiful smile while she danced to the music made their Sunday morning.
Carly & Issac, 9 days a part |
Baby Lucas |
Speaking of church, CCC had an evening worship service last week so we got to go to church as a FAMILY! Those of you who get to go to church each week as a family, please don't take that for granted! Carly did great through the whole service, minus her wanting to walk along all the chairs and her diaper explosion. ;)
Well that's another update for you...we keep pretty "busy" around here these days. She is very fun to have adventures with, because she loves them as much as we do!