Monday, March 17, 2014

"L Is For The Way You Look At Me" {Luke 2 Months}

Goodness gracious where have these last 2 months gone?  It's March & I'm still wondering where January went.  Although it seems like quite a while ago we turned the clock to 2014, the first two months of Luke's life have passed rather quickly.  Perhaps it's because with 2 hour feedings around the clock for 2 months it just feels like one long day. ;)

I'm so in love with this boy.  I have to admit, I wasn't worried about loving him, but I didn't think I would love him as much as I love Carly.  Well, that wasn't accurate thinking. ;)  He is a sweet little guy and we are so excited to see his personality & preferences form throughout the year.  I said to Brian this week while looking at Carly, "Can you believe Luke will someday walk & talk too...and we'll know him on the same level as her?"  He just shook his head.  It's hard to picture your infant as a toddler...and yet to think how quickly it happens!

I feel like I had so much to say about my little girl in her monthly updates; even when she was itty bitty.  I don't feel like I have near as much to say about Luke.  Brian joked that when Carly was 2 months I used to lay in bed taking hours of video of her while cooing at her until she was blue in the face...and Luke doesn't get a second of that precious time! He certainly gets overshadowed by a girl who is doing tons of interesting things all day long.  But this little boy has sure won over my (and his daddy's) heart...and here are the things I just love:
  •  He continues to adore snuggling.  He wants to be held & loved on all day & all night and although he's become rather squirmy during those nighttime hours, I still love snuggling with him almost around the clock.  He does like his position to be changed quite frequently: he goes from resting his head on my shoulder, to being cradled in my left arm, to my right arm, then a quick turnaround to say hello to the world & back for more snuggles.
  • He is not one who loves too much stimulation.  He can handle an hour to an hour & a half of awake time when we are home, but if we are out & about he's gotta shut those blinkers and do some processing after about 30 minutes.  
  • He enjoys it when we whisper in his ear
  • He cries after 90 seconds of being put down when awake
  • He does not like to be bounced but instead prefers a swaying motion
  • Would rather fall asleep on his left ear facing down than his right
  • Hates the taste of sissy's paci when it accidentally ends up in his mouth
  • With his rapid weight growth he was killing his mama's back in the kangaroo sling, so he has now graduated to a Pognae (similar to Ergo)
  • He LOVES being outdoors & will lay on his own on a blanket in the sun for quite a while
  • He jerks every time his sissy lets out a scream or squeel
  • Has good neck strength compared to his 2-month old peers
Luke is sporting 3-month clothes & has been since he was 6 weeks.  He weighs 12 pounds (80th percentile) and is 23 inches long (50th percentile).

I'm not convinced babes get on a good schedule until about 4 months old, so I haven't pushed anything on him as far as sleeping/eating goes but have rather monitored a lose schedule.  Plus, he has fairly dramatic growth spurts (I only have C to compare to...and in comparison to her his growth spurts are much more noticeable) about every 5 even attempting a rigid schedule would go haywire!  When he's not in a spurt, he eats every 2.5-3 hours around the clock.  Not joking, the kid has only given me a 4-hour nighttime stretch twice in the last month.  When he is growing...he can barely make it past 2 hours before he's rooting toward any exposed skin...even at night!  I've worked with him a good amount this month on getting him to sleep on his own, and I must say the work is starting to pay off.  He starts in his crib at night and will sleep 2-3 hours before getting up & joining me in bed for the night and also generally takes a 2 hour nap in his crib in the afternoons.  I am not ready for CIO quite yet, but I have made sure to put him down groggy to let him learn to fall asleep on his own & rubbing his back until he's out.  He's doing much better about falling asleep in his crib than Carly I'm thankful for that and hoping it continues. I do believe that any child who has to attend daycare or something of the sort needs to be able to sleep on their own...holding/carrying/wearing them through naps is really doing them a dis-service, so I knew after he turned one month that I had to get to work on that.  Because I am an on-the-go mama, Luke does take quite a few naps in a carrier, but I'm generally laying him down 3 times a day (he usually takes 3 cat naps + 2 long ones/day).  Despite having the noises of sissy his entire life, he still really jerks when she speaks, so having him nap in the same room she is speaking just doesn't work.  He also sleeps longer & deeper if he is sleeping on that tummy of his in his crib.  Quite interesting!

And here are his 2 months photos:

I am continually praising Jesus for the blessing of good health and am in awe of the miracles that are His children.  Grateful for Luke!

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