Monday, September 22, 2014

"Mommy, Wow, I'm a Big Kid Now"

I want to do a recap of potty training now that it's all said & done.  It was a very pleasant experience since Carly initiated the process...but still want to jot down a few notes to keep in mind.
  1. We introduced a potty and panties in April...but she not only didn't have interest but was utterly and completely stressed out by the entire thing.  So...we left the potty in the bathroom and didn't push it again.
  2.  June 23rd...Carly was just over 28 months old...she asked me to take off her diaper.  I took it off..she ran to the potty...sat down...wiped and came running out shouting "I did it!"
  3. We then encouraged the potty and she successfully went for 3 days before having her first accident.  We did the happy dance each time.
  4. We put diapers on for nap, nighttime and to go out that first week.  She took the liberty of going poo poo when she had a diaper on the first few days but was able to go in the toilet after that.
  5. She had her first accident in the aisle of Target.  That wasn't fun.
  6. It took her a while to be comfortable on a public potty...and 2 months later still can't go numero dos in public.
  7. She ran around naked for about a month when we were home because she had trouble pulling down her pants by herself.  We tried to transition to dresses but the back of them kept getting wet because she didn't understand that the skirt was falling into the toilet. Lol.
  8. If she is having too much fun she feels it is an inconvenience to stop to go to the bathroom so we are still working on not starting the process in ones pants.  Fortunately I keep a stash of panties & shorts in the diaper bag and have always remembered to replace them.  The day we are out & about and I don't have another pair of shorts for her will not be a good day.  Let's just hope that doesn't happen.
  9. She enjoys picking out her panties and usually goes for the Minnie Mouse ones.  Shocking.
  10. My favorite story is that we were reading books one day and I started to nod off.  She was not happy about that so she climbed down from my lap, spread her legs & peed right on the floor.  I guess I deserved that.
  11. She can make it through naps without going potty but after 2 nights of getting up in the middle of the night to take her to the bathroom we all agreed that she could wear diapers at night.  She had been waking up dry only bc she was going in the middle of the night.  We already have a child who wakes us up multiple times/night so we decided we didn't need another one.
  12. Numero uno is called "potty" and numero dos is called "poo poo."  I have a strong dislike toward the words, "pee" & "butt" so we call her behind a booty or a bottom.
Well that's what I remember from the past two months.  Not sure if that will be helpful to anyone or to myself as I train future 2-year-olds (especially the wearing dresses part...not sure I'll use that technique with Luke) but maybe it'll be fun to look back on nonetheless.  

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