Monday, November 17, 2014

"Them Baby Blues Cuttin' Right Through Me" {Luke 10 Months}

Ten months is for some odd reason a milestone in my mind.  I vividly remember Carly becoming a different baby when she hit ten months old. She was more stable, had a predictable schedule, was really beginning to be good at interacting with me and remembering games...loved to explore and was overall pretty happy.  I think as we enter month ten, Luke has many of the characteristics that Carly had at 10 months old.  Although he frequently coins the term, "punk" due to his inability to exhibit independence and a fierce obsession with his mama, he still embodies the sweetness that is his big blue eyes gazing into ours.

Lukey-boy is learning new things every day.  Although he doesn't speak much, I swear I've heard him say both "Hi" and "Dada" on a few occasions. He is beyond proud of his new found skills of clapping and waving; which he exercises frequently!  He is signing "more please" and sometimes "all done" although he is rarely done eating.  Ever.  He is also enjoying that he can open up a cracked door (this is a big deal...before he would just shut it and be locked in a room...), splash in the toilet, pull out a cord from an outlet (guys...don't worry we keep a close eye on him & really this opportunity only arises when we are vacuuming), climb the stairs, move chairs across the kitchen, open up cabinet doors....are you noticing a trend of finding all things dangerous!?

He continues to adore his sister.  Brian & I commented the other night that we can't figure out which one of them loves the other one more. :)  Luke wants to be everywhere his sister is and they are learning a whole new level of physical contact that may or may not be quite rough!  "It's only funny until someone gets hurt..."  will I be using this phrase very soon?! 

Luke enjoys most food but his favorites are: grilled chicken, black beans & corn combo, broccoli and butternut squash. He loves anything with a lot of flavor.  His only aversions as of currently are to peas, sweet potato, deli meat & cheese.  I am not kidding those were Carly's TOP FOUR favorite foods when she turned one...say what?!  I just find that incredibly interesting.

Other random things of note...still can't sit still to listen to a book...still crawls with a peg leg, loves any game you'd like to play with him, music, singing...can stand at any moment unsupported, cruises quite fast, crawls even faster, gets excited when we arrive home from work and grins from ear to ear when he hears Carly call for us in the morning of after her nap (he is always the first one up).

Luke is pretty predictable schedule-wise:
7am--Awake for the day & nurses again (thanks a lot daylight savings time...)
8am--Breakfast...either a whole banana, a bowl of oatmeal or two eggs
10-11:30am--Nap array of foods in a large amount (if eating pre-made food I've stored in ice cube trays in the freezer: he eats 4 cubes mixed with oatmeal)
4pm--Snack (Cheerios)
6pm--Dinner...he eats whatever we are having and inhales quite a bit more than his big sis
8:30pm--Nurse...although this week I've started weaning so we are giving a bottle of formula at bed time rather than breastfeeding him.  I think everyone in this household (aka me) is ready to be done nursing and I'd like to reach the end within the next month.

Can you tell he eats all the time?!!? ^^^^

I have two different sets of photos to post.  The first is actually a little shoot I captured of him a few days ago...he has 5 faces and gave me all of them in a matter of seconds. 

This is the typical people watching look...hilarious.

I see this look more than anything else....still haven't figured out what it means ;)

A giggle

The charmer

Classic Luke Smile

And the typical pictures I take of the kiddos each month. I had terrible lighting but whatever...

We are so blessed to have this boy in our family.  Although there are many days I look at him and think...I didn't know you could be more difficult than your big heart melts when I think of the pleasure it is to have a little boy who loves me so much and who I get to love for the rest of his life.  Praise God for the gift of children and the inspiration and joy they bring to our lives!

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