Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"The View I Love the Most...Is My Front Porch Looking In!"

We've had a great, normal, restful, laid back week of playing in the Weiss household!  It's been wonderful and has really helped Carly learn good sleeping habits.  We are preparing for 6 weeks of...don't fall out of your chair...5 groups of family and friends visiting ending with a trip to Iowa! GASP!  It's wonderful and we are most certainly looking forward to it...but a restful week, and month at that, was much needed.  Oh how I hope the chaos doesn't totally confuse our little girl.  I keep reminding myself that maybe this will teach her flexibility rather than confuse her? Ha...I doubt it. :)  So with that said...get ready for some exciting posts and pictures over the next 6 weeks!

Just to share a day in the life of Carly...

Carly wakes up between 9am-9:30am (with the occasional sleep in until all hours of the morning) and she plays in mama's bed for usually an hour before getting bored.  She plays on her tummy, enjoys sitting up on all the pillows (its good practice because when she tumbles she has a soft landing), and laying on her back just staring at that fan.  Then she tells me when she is ready get up for the day, we change our clothes and head to the kitchen to make me some oatmeal.  Then we usually clean up the kitchen from whatever mess was made the night before by her and daddy's extravaganzas (on the nights I work, anyway), or wash bottles, empty the dishwasher, etc.  Then we head for tummy time for a short half hour before she is ready for a nap.  I think she's got a pretty great set up!

After her nap she eats and then has some alone time playing in her play gym or back on the floor with all her toys.  At some point in the afternoon she takes a ride in her convertible!  She is really getting good at moving in her little car...she loves it when we walk her around the house in it and she has learned how to move it herself!  She can only go backwards but it's a start!  When she first moved it herself she was in our bathroom watching me get ready for work and before I knew it she had backed herself out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.  I caught her eye and she THRILLED with her accomplishment.  So precious!

After her stroll we usually head outside for a walk and some Vitamin D.  It seems silly to take our walk at 2pm in the afternoon...but it's when it seems to work out.  We generally walk for a half hour to 45 minutes.  She has quite the tan as a result! 

After a walk we head to the piano for music time.  I sing and play then she plays and sometimes sings.  Great fun!  Carly usually eats again in there and then goes down for a nap.

After a long afternoon nap (yes...she is actually taking a long afternoon nap...hooray!), she eats again and we have some play time before daddy arrives home.  She sits in her Bumbo or plays by herself while I make dinner (unless we are grilling...and then she helps daddy with watches the grill light on fire!).  We all sit down at the table together and she observes us as we eat.  Boy is she becoming interested in that!  We actually bought some food this week just to have it on hand to start her in a few weeks.  I must say, my favorite part of dinner is when we all hold hands while daddy blesses the meal.  I'm so excited to teach her about God's love for her and every time we pray it's a precious moment.  Her little fingers grasp around ours and sometimes we end up holding hands for quite a while because she wont let go. :)

After dinner she takes one more quick snoozer than it's up until bedtime (the transition from 4 naps to 3 naps has been a difficult one...still working on that).  We generally go for a walk in there to break up the night.

Then it's bath time (3 times/week), pajama time, massage time, cuddle time with books, a song, a prayer and a bedtime snack and off to dream land! 

I would say 2-3 times a week we hang out with friends and we also have some fun adventures on our one day together as a family...but other than our outings that's what a day in the life of Carly typically looks like...and that's what our last week has been filled with!

PS-Did I mention Carly is scooting all around?  Here she is doing her thing on the couch (the second picture is just to show off her deep dimples).

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