Tuesday, May 20, 2014

"He's a Bit of a Fixer-Upper" {Luke 4 Months}

I love this song!  Brian took Carly out for a date last week & came home with the Frozen soundtrack & we've been rocking out to it ever since!  I think the music & story are well done...as does much of the rest of the country; clearly.  Anyway...even when I'm driving alone I will blast this song 4-5 times before choosing to listen to something else.  I always think of Luke & Carly and just chuckle to myself.  This song is just true...we are all a bit of fixer-uppers. ;-)

Luke is still the sweetest thing I've ever had the privilege of snuggling!  He melts in my arms and I feel like I never get enough snuggles for the day.  As I was rocking him to sleep last week I began feeling guilty that I chose not to do that with Carly.  I started thinking that it was because I was so influenced by all the modern books that spoke negatively of rocking...but then I had a flash back of her being stiff as a board with an arched back screaming in my ear & remembered that she refused to be rocked!  Anyway...I rock Luke because he lets me & appreciates it oh so much!
  • Little man, little brother, baby ooke, silly ooke, buddy & ookey ookey are the names we frequently hear flying around our home in reference to the youngest member of the house.  I think ookey ookey is among the favs. ;-)
  • Luke is so so so interested in our food.  He stares me down when I'm eating and sometimes I even catching him licking his lips!  Carly & I were having a smoothie the other day and I put just a dab on his lips & he went nuts.  That boy was licking his lips like I'd never seen before all while flailing his arms & kicking his legs!  Carly even noticed his excitement & said, "Tastes great, Luke! Ya!"  I have always been a bit-anti to introducing solids before 6 months...but we just might decide to try it.  Plus, the kid is always hungry so giving his body something to break down my keep him fuller?  
  • Luke wants to be standing at all times.  If he is fussy or squirmy letting those feet hit the floor settles him down.  We put together the jumperoo last week and he adores it!  
  • Reaches out for toys and enjoys holding something in is lap & bringing it to his mouth
  • Loves to hold our fingers
  • We have a finger sucker on our hands, ladies & gentleman.  Sometimes I even catch him with his paci in one corner of this mouth and a few fingers in the other.  You'd think the way he goes after his hands that he's hungry but he's definitely just enjoying the experience.
  • He may be most relaxed in my arms, but he thinks Carly is the most fun!  Whether it's watching her dance around the room, getting hugs & kisses or sitting in his bumbo next to her, Luke is all for quality time with his big sis.
  • Luke loves being outside.  We frequently spend our afternoons swinging on the front porch while sissy is sleeping.
  • Getting a smile out of Mr. Luke is pretty easy...just call his name and give him a grin and he's a happy boy.  He hasn't figured out those giggles quite yet (although he did giggle for my dad on two different occasions) and isn't very verbal, but he sure has some expression.
He is 25 inches & 16 pounds.  This is ONE POUND LESS than Carly was on her FIRST BIRTHDAY!  He's really growing at a fairly normal weight compared to his fellow male counterparts; it's just a big deal to us since we haven't experienced a big babe before.  You'd think carrying him around would tone my arms but nope they're still flabby... ;-)

Luke's sleeping rhythms are stupid & annoying and I am either going to sit on my soap box and lament about why he takes 45 minute naps when he clearly needs more time (our poor babysitters trying to calm a hysterical baby...) and why he can't make it a minute past 3 hours throughout the night without food or I will just choose not to talk about it.  I'm going to go with not talking about it. ;-p He's healthy & happy and we are blessed to have him which puts everything else into perspective.


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