This is my favorite yearly post.
It's rich with key learnings, teaching moments and those wonderful light bulbs that all of a sudden go off in our heads! I've been a mother 4 years and the emotional, mental, spiritual growth just doesn't slow down. Every year I think I've nailed a topic or gained such wisdom in a category and then arrive at the next birthday only to find out I've learned it again in some new way.
I love seeing how my thought processes have changed during my motherhood journey. In 2015, I was dealing with both mental & physical health issues and it was evident in that post. 2014 I was simply trying to figure out how to manage loving so many people, but I didn't face the trials I did in 2015 so the post wasn't nearly as rooted in chaos. 2013 was incredibly practical advice. That first year of having a baby I was completely unaware of my own feelings/thoughts/emotions and was simply trying to figure out the array of tasks it takes to care for a newborn.
I wonder how I'll view this post next year?
You guys...I am so not worthy...but more than anything I've learned this year, through these topics--grace wins.
Love Better
I just finished the book, For the Love, by Jen Hatmaker. Her and I share so many common belief structures. Sometimes while reading I say aloud: thank you for articulating my thoughts so nicely! We need to love better. I desperately need to love better. Everyone. As a body, the church is not functioning anywhere near it's ultimate potential even though some of it's individuals are doing such great work. This starts with me. It begins with loving people to the root of their core, because God loves them and created them in His image. This year I've vented & complained about too many people. I'm done with that.
I'm a Good Mama
Listen, dear one, if you're a mom--you're probably stellar at it. This lesson was a big one this year. I've had some crap comments thrown my way over the years--a few by people close to me who were suppose to love me. Words cut deep. Real deep. They en script themselves on my heart and challenge my motives. Guess what...I love Carly & Luke more than anything and you can bet I'm doing everything I know how to love them, teach them, build them up, give them a sense of accomplishment, respect, and yes...practice intentional discipline. They are confident and well adjusted individuals who daily show joy. And when what I know isn't enough (because it isn't), I choose to learn how to get better. I'm doing my best and my best is really good. So have confidence, mama, because yours is too.
Listen More, Talk Less
Dig deeper, gain insights, ask good questions and for the love stop jumping to conclusions. This applies to all relationships, but especially those sweet kiddos who have so much to say. When I stop to really listen to my brood, my parenting is so much more effective.
Be Intentional
This is way easier said than done. Take time to set expectations (Now we are going to leave. My expectation of you both is that you behave with obedience, listening to instruction and responding kindly. I know you can do this!). Take time to explain circumstances (You need to eat your food. Throwing it on the ground is disrespectful and creates a mess. Not nourishing your body prevents you from getting bigger and stronger. You have two choices. Eat three bites of your chicken or two bites of your veggies). It takes TIME. and ENERGY. and the investment pays in dividends! Don't forget to follow-through with your statements! They better get a treat if you say they will (even if they forget) and they better end up choosing from the choices you give them and not what they decide on their own if you're serious about practicing intentional parenting.
Food allergies are real
I am so sorry for ever minimizing what you any category. But I'm so very sorry for believing that food allergies were a preference and not a real chemical reaction. Serves me right.
Getting up in the morning before your children will change your life
I read this from another blog when I was pregnant with Luke. I, of course, was instantly consumed with guilt and called up my Mom crying that I was a failure because I was too tired to get up before my 20-month old. As per usual, she talked me down off the cliff by reminding me of the season I was in. But, now that I have two children who sleep predictable nights, am not currently pregnant or nursing and not working until 2am each week, I have entered a season that I can choose to get up before my kids. Has it changed my life? Yes. Is getting up before the kiddos to work out, drink coffee, be in the Word, take a shower (not all on the same day) incredibly fulfilling and meaningful time? Yes. Does it fill me up and allow for more patience for the duration of the day? Yes. Do I choose to do it everyday? No. But is it really all it's cracked up to be? Indeed.
Discipline looks different for different kiddos
Luke has pushed every button Brian & I currently have. And he's two. God have mercy on us. But really...we learned this year that disciplining our two-year-old Luke wasn't going to follow suit of how we disciplined our two-year-old Carly. For a while, nothing seemed to work for him but corporal punishment. I hate spanking my kids. Really don't like it. But for a short season that was the only thing that got Luke's attention. There was one day I lost it and chose to spank Carly. Seeing her crumble to the floor and sob her eyes out was a wake up call for me. I instantly picked her up, loved her, settled her down and profusely apologized. I kid you not she said, "God doesn't want you to spank me, mommy." OH MY GOODNESS. Can you even feel what my heart went through at that moment. She was right. Just because that's the method we use to help our son understand right & wrong, does in no way mean that's how we can help our daughter. Lesson learned.
Be proactive, not reactive
I think this really falls under being intentional, but gaining some self-awareness of how you will react if AB & C happen will allow you to formulate a plan instead of react to something in a way you may regret later. Even thinking through, "'s noon and I am out and about and I simply need to get one last errand in. I'm out of snacks and I know my kids are getting hungry. If a meltdown happens at the reaction will be to..." fully knowing they probably wouldn't act that way if their bellies weren't grumbling.
Re-frame instead of solve
There are so so so many ways I could tell you about ways I've fought for joy this year. The past 5 years, I've been stuck in a job that forced me to work extremely late hours, long hours, weekends, and didn't allow me a full two-days off with my husband. This year I worked a job that provided us to save money on childcare because we had the option to have non-traditional days off, allowed for me to work 30 hours a week crammed into 3 days gaining more full days at home and a job that lent itself to time with my children in the morning during their best hours. Guess what. Same job. The "problem" isn't solved. My work schedule still isn't "ideal" to any sort of social normalcy, but it's truly a blessing in this season of life...when our children are so small and need so much of us.
I mentioned depression earlier in this blog, and although I think this is a very important topic and will eventually tell about my experiences in this dark place, I haven't formulated enough thoughts or done enough research to feel I can speak on it. But know this...if you are struggling with depression, you cannot always re-frame your scenario. Please talk to someone outside of your family. Please seek professional help. You should never feel that your problems cannot be solved or re-framed and feelings of crawling in a hole and never coming out are not healthy thoughts. Please don't try to conquer depression by simply "re-framing" and don't allow anyone else to guilt you into doing that, either.
Talk about your love for your husband to your kids
My love and admiration for my husband grows deeper each passing year. He serves us and leads us SO well. His emotional, mental, spiritual & physical capacity AMAZE me. Some days I honestly think he's perfect. I want to shout my love for him from the roof tops. And I will shout it from inside our home. I've done a ton of studies this year (hooray for a greater capacity!) and I read over and over and over again that one of the best gifts we can give to our children is to show love to my husband and he show love to me. Show affection, yearning, passion, devotion, appreciation, tenderness, respect, fervor....SHOW IT. Say it. And if you need more convincing, spend some time with Gary & Anne Marie Ezzo.
My goodness 2015 was so chaotic. The first part of the year was one of the lowest places I've ever been...but the second part was rich in learning. Praise God for his mercy on my soul as I navigate life. I am so unworthy of His unconditional love but will praise His name for saving me.
"Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow"
Saturday, March 5, 2016
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
"You're the Part of Me I Like the Most" {Carly 4 Years}
I couldn't love Carly more. Being her mama is one of my favorite parts of life and she is such a treasure. Of course I adore most things about her...and am thrilled to watch her become a young lady. Her thoughts, opinions & actions continue to impress us. How intricate the mind of a 4-year-old is! Carly is full of life and full of joy. She wears her emotions on her entire body and is beginning to develop some self-awareness. We focus a lot on what her attitude reflects and we frequently use words like "kind" and "respectful" in teaching moments. Here's a peek into an interview with her:
Carly, I am so thrilled to see how you've grown in four years. I could say a million things about how God has blessed me with the perfect-fit for a daughter...but I think if I could say anything to you at this point I'd you. choose joy. love others. trust Jesus.
- What is your favorite color? PINK!
- Favorite food? SHRIMP! No...shrimp in soup!
- Favorite dessert? ICE CREAM!
- Favorite candy? GUM!
- Favorite book? Candy Castle
- Favorite movie? Snow White (I'm pretty sure she's never seen that movie...)
- Favorite Princess? Snow White & Cinderella & Belle & Ariel...
- Favorite Friend? Mommy (her words, not mine!)
- Favorite outdoor activity? Climbing a tree
- Favorite playground? She thought on this one for a long time and then said...."Grandma's playground"
- Favorite Disney Park? EPCOT
- Favorite Ride? Figment spelled with an "F"!
- What makes you happy? When mommy plays princesses with me
- What makes Mommy happy? When we play chase!
- What makes you sad? When Luke pulls my hair
- What makes Mommy sad? When we disobey
Who do you like better...
- Anna or Elsa?
- Mickey or Minnie?
- Donald or Daisy?
- Pluto or Goofy?
- Pooh or Tigger?
I asked Brian to describe Carly in a few words. He said: Adventurous, Imaginative, Fun & Loving. Wow! She doesn't have him wrapped around her finger at all. ;)
Carly is up for just about anything...especially if it involves staying in the house while wearing her jammies. ;) There are certainly days when she just wants to play at home, but by & large her eyes grow 10 sizes when we talk about an outing. Disney, church, the playground, a playdate....Carly is up for it and right away! Life just excites her and she is such a delight to take anywhere.
Little Miss C doesn't miss much! She's quite the little listener and Brian and I have been questioned on a few topics we thought had gone over her head. Oops. She struggles with this concept of being "patient" and is constantly interrupting. We feel like that is pretty common for her age. ;) Nevertheless we are working through methods to shape her mind into understanding the standard. We are doing our best to shepherd her little heart. (This fabulous parenting class we are taking puts it this way: when two rules are conflicting, will your child's conscience have been taught enough to make a good decision? For example, if two children share a bedroom and the instruction has been given not get out of bed; yet one night the younger sibling begins seizing, for example, will the older child "disobey" and help? As parents, our goal is not that our children follow rules, but they know the difference from right & wrong. Easier said than done!)
Carly is up for just about anything...especially if it involves staying in the house while wearing her jammies. ;) There are certainly days when she just wants to play at home, but by & large her eyes grow 10 sizes when we talk about an outing. Disney, church, the playground, a playdate....Carly is up for it and right away! Life just excites her and she is such a delight to take anywhere.
Little Miss C doesn't miss much! She's quite the little listener and Brian and I have been questioned on a few topics we thought had gone over her head. Oops. She struggles with this concept of being "patient" and is constantly interrupting. We feel like that is pretty common for her age. ;) Nevertheless we are working through methods to shape her mind into understanding the standard. We are doing our best to shepherd her little heart. (This fabulous parenting class we are taking puts it this way: when two rules are conflicting, will your child's conscience have been taught enough to make a good decision? For example, if two children share a bedroom and the instruction has been given not get out of bed; yet one night the younger sibling begins seizing, for example, will the older child "disobey" and help? As parents, our goal is not that our children follow rules, but they know the difference from right & wrong. Easier said than done!)
I think I bring this up under the imaginative section only because there are times she gets so wrapped up in pretending, that she crosses the "what's okay" line. "But Mom..." she'll say, as she proceeds to explain that she did such-and-such only because she was pretending to...fill in the blank. Nearly all of her play is imaginative, so there are times it's difficult to convince her that this is real life.
It's wonderful though, that she can turn a playground into a pirate ship or castle, that she can be the mommy to her princesses or to her monkey, that she can decide in a moment that she will spend the next 30 minutes as a kitten, or that she's getting married to her brother. I hear more than anything else, "Mom, I'm just a-tending." ;)
Giggly, bubbly, sweet...Carly is all for having fun. Preferably by her rules and set of expectations. Running, jumping, rolling, climbing, kicking, name the verb, she's done it. She laughs harder than anyone I know and her smile takes over her entire face. She's grateful for her life and her experiences, her friends, her toys, her dresses and she's always having the most fun when she's with her extended family. Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles & guys rock her world.
Her little heart. May God bless her innocence, authenticity and desire to understand the emotions of herself and of others. She very much cares what you think and what you you treat her. We are working on helping her take ownership in how she treats others. She likes to tell us every wrong move her little brother makes...and we have learned that we must follow those remarks with, "What did you do to make him pull your hair...?" She is SO honest. My Mama taught me at a very young age that honesty was always going to be the best way out and I hope that we've instilled that in our kids. In fact, if they tell the truth, they usually get themselves a much lesser punishment. But because of her honesty, it's opened up some wonderful conversations into her sweet, sweet heart. And I tell you what that heart is incredibly loyal, so loving and ultimately quite kind.
It's wonderful though, that she can turn a playground into a pirate ship or castle, that she can be the mommy to her princesses or to her monkey, that she can decide in a moment that she will spend the next 30 minutes as a kitten, or that she's getting married to her brother. I hear more than anything else, "Mom, I'm just a-tending." ;)
Giggly, bubbly, sweet...Carly is all for having fun. Preferably by her rules and set of expectations. Running, jumping, rolling, climbing, kicking, name the verb, she's done it. She laughs harder than anyone I know and her smile takes over her entire face. She's grateful for her life and her experiences, her friends, her toys, her dresses and she's always having the most fun when she's with her extended family. Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles & guys rock her world.
Her little heart. May God bless her innocence, authenticity and desire to understand the emotions of herself and of others. She very much cares what you think and what you you treat her. We are working on helping her take ownership in how she treats others. She likes to tell us every wrong move her little brother makes...and we have learned that we must follow those remarks with, "What did you do to make him pull your hair...?" She is SO honest. My Mama taught me at a very young age that honesty was always going to be the best way out and I hope that we've instilled that in our kids. In fact, if they tell the truth, they usually get themselves a much lesser punishment. But because of her honesty, it's opened up some wonderful conversations into her sweet, sweet heart. And I tell you what that heart is incredibly loyal, so loving and ultimately quite kind.
Carly, I am so thrilled to see how you've grown in four years. I could say a million things about how God has blessed me with the perfect-fit for a daughter...but I think if I could say anything to you at this point I'd you. choose joy. love others. trust Jesus.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
"How I Wonder What You Are" {Luke 2 Years}
Happy 2nd Birthday, Sweet Luke!
We love this boy! I hope someday he knows just how blessed I feel to be his Mama. He captured my heart pretty early and may or may not have me wrapped around his precious little finger.
I can't even begin to describe the complexity of this boy's mind. Brian and I look at each other in complete awe and utter confusion as to what is going on in that head of his. He's pretty sharp these days...and we can't get much by him...but he seems to get a whole lot by us! I think both of us would still describe him as "charming" but we may put "stinker" in there somewhere. ;) Luke has some opinions! About everything. Go-with-the-flow is not his favorite thing. But do you know what is? Snuggling. He's so affectionate. He's so loving. My favorite thing about Luke may be that we have this mutual agreement that if one of us needs a snuggle at any moment--the other one is always on board to give some love. It's the perfect little arrangement.
All About Lukey-Boy:
I guess he's TWO...but STILL:
We love this boy! I hope someday he knows just how blessed I feel to be his Mama. He captured my heart pretty early and may or may not have me wrapped around his precious little finger.
I can't even begin to describe the complexity of this boy's mind. Brian and I look at each other in complete awe and utter confusion as to what is going on in that head of his. He's pretty sharp these days...and we can't get much by him...but he seems to get a whole lot by us! I think both of us would still describe him as "charming" but we may put "stinker" in there somewhere. ;) Luke has some opinions! About everything. Go-with-the-flow is not his favorite thing. But do you know what is? Snuggling. He's so affectionate. He's so loving. My favorite thing about Luke may be that we have this mutual agreement that if one of us needs a snuggle at any moment--the other one is always on board to give some love. It's the perfect little arrangement.
All About Lukey-Boy:
- Snuggles. Please do this until you are a teenager. Then just give me super great son hugs. ;)
- Sleep. Thank you, son, for giving me the gift of rest! When he's having a growth spurt (which is still like every 6 weeks) he will sleep until 9am. It provides extra time for working out, drinking coffee, reading scripture & hanging with C.
- He is always up for an adventure! Especially to the park or in the backyard. ;)
- His sweet spirit is SO afraid of animals. We can't quite figure out why his heart pounds outside of his body anytime we are near an animal, but it's endearing.
- Food. He enjoys eating...and will eat most things. Holding strong with a love for tuna & olives but his FAVORITE food is a nice NY Strip Steak. Naturally, that's what we served him for his birthday meal.
- Speaking of food, Luke is a little chef! We got the kids a hand-me-down kitchen for Christmas and put it in Luke's room. He builds fabric sandwiches daily!
- He loves to read. Someday we will start bedtime early enough to actually get through all the books he requests. He loves to choose random images on the page to point to and reading is very much helping his learning. Now if it could just help his speech.
- Luke loves trains. It's so endearing to see him wheel his trains all over the house. We asked family for trains this Christmas so he has a few different tracks to choose from and plays with all of them. He has an incredibly long attention span.
- Luke adoooores babies. He loves them so so much. He is so nurturing to his baby doll, always points to babies in books, can say the word (one of the few)! He will not leave baby Cameron's (currently the only baby friend he has) side during a play date.
- Thank you, Luke, for having such an interest in music. This little guy sings all day long. Can you guess what song he's got down based on the the title of this post?
I guess he's TWO...but STILL:
- Why are we still pulling hair? I thought we decided that's not cool.
- Whining. It's not great. We hear it a bit too frequently.
- I agree that it's fun to hide in cabinets, play in the toilet, turn on the tub, eat laundry detergent and color on your face...but you can't do those things.
- The carseat. Every time we get in the car, that's where you have to sit. Arching your back & making it a fight is not always ideal.
- Discipline. This kid requires so much discipline. Brian & I get so weary of constantly having to spank or sit in time out, but he truly asks for it. It's so cute that he runs away, but also fairly naughty. We are actually taking a parenting class right now because we have a great desire to be intentional with this kiddo and ultimately want to "Grow Him God's Way." For some reason it's just so much harder to convince Luke to abide by the standard than it was to convince his big sister. That's okay though, by the grace of God his strong willed nature will someday be a service to society rather than an annoyance.
Monday, January 18, 2016
"Jingle Bell Rock"
Is it too late to document our blissful holiday season? I's nearly February. So yes, it's too late. None of my faithful readers are in the mood to hear about the come-and-gone holiday season; but maybe those readers would enjoy a few pictures? I know that the blogs I frequent most from years past are typically the ones I posted about hear it goes for 2015!
Christmas Parties
We have a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful church family in Central Florida...and a few groups of people we've become especially close to this past year. It brought us (particularly the social butterflies of the house--me & C--) much joy to celebrate the season with people we cherish.
Disney Decor
Yes we all know each year we try to do as much Disney sight-seeing during the holidays as we can. We missed A LOT this year. And that was okay. We snapped a few Christmas Tree photos, saw the castle light up and bid farewell to the Osborne lights. We missed Christmas at the Grand and sadly didn't see Santa & and his Mrs at EPCOT or the beloved Candlelight Processional. But truth be told...that was okay.
Deck the Halls
We added a few Christmas decor pieces to our house and I have to say of the few years I've been decorating, I was most pleased with how this year turned out. I didn't capture it via still image, but I did send these photos to Carley expressing that I "think" I've found my holiday decor style. ;)
Carly REALLY enjoyed decorating as well, and was thrilled to have her own tree. I saw these cute reindeer on our neighborhood re-sale site, and she gave her stamp of approval on snatching them up as well.
Simple Activities
Whether it was decorating sugar cones at Miss Kim's house, ornaments at Miss Robyn's, or salt-dough prints with Miss Carrie, we had so much fun being crafty this Christmas! We also enjoyed baking...and eating sugar.
Christmas Sunday @ Harvest Bible Chapel
Christmas at church...well it's pretty important. Ultimately, we believe that One Omniscient Heavenly Father sent his only son to be born in the humblest of ways. A Messiah. Who would save the World. It's something to be cherished and celebrated. So seeing our church provide opportunities for our little ones, elementary-aged, middle-school & high-school students to all lead us into worship in various actually brought tears to my eyes. I had to tell myself to pull it together during the Christmas play the elementary kids did...and then again when the middle-schoolers led the congregation in worship. Can we just do it again, already? THANK YOU to everyone who helped. I'd love to help! Someday. It's just not the season for me quite yet.
Christmas Eve
This day is my favorite day of the year. It just is. I look forward to a service that swells my heart and produces a steady stream of tears down my cheeks, I look forward to sharing soup together in honor of the tradition that was set when Brian was a boy, I look forward to the anticipation of presents and opening one before bed and I look forward to the moments I share with Brian once our little ones are tucked away for the evening. Carly just looks forward to the petting zoo each year... ;)
Christmas Day
Waffles for breakfast! Presents, galore! A few FaceTime time & work time! I always sign up to work Christmas afternoon because I think it's important to show my support to all those who don't totally have a choice in the matter. Not ideal, but worth it.
I must document the Christmas menu Brian and I decided on last minute while standing in the aisles at the grocery store: Ham, Collard Greens + Bacon & Glazed Carrots. I shared our menu with a coworker and she affirmed that we couldn't have possibly been more Southern. We've officially diversified ourselves. Score.
Christmas in Minneapolis
Thank you Ma, Pa, Trey & Tiffy for being willing to postpone your Christmas for us once again! It's so special to share a big breakfast with you all and open thoughtful gifts from people who mean the world to me. Thanks for making our time in Minneapolis so so special. ;)
Santa Babies
My Favorite pic from the season...
Christmas Parties
We have a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful church family in Central Florida...and a few groups of people we've become especially close to this past year. It brought us (particularly the social butterflies of the house--me & C--) much joy to celebrate the season with people we cherish.
Disney Decor
Yes we all know each year we try to do as much Disney sight-seeing during the holidays as we can. We missed A LOT this year. And that was okay. We snapped a few Christmas Tree photos, saw the castle light up and bid farewell to the Osborne lights. We missed Christmas at the Grand and sadly didn't see Santa & and his Mrs at EPCOT or the beloved Candlelight Processional. But truth be told...that was okay.
Deck the Halls
We added a few Christmas decor pieces to our house and I have to say of the few years I've been decorating, I was most pleased with how this year turned out. I didn't capture it via still image, but I did send these photos to Carley expressing that I "think" I've found my holiday decor style. ;)
Carly REALLY enjoyed decorating as well, and was thrilled to have her own tree. I saw these cute reindeer on our neighborhood re-sale site, and she gave her stamp of approval on snatching them up as well.
Simple Activities
Whether it was decorating sugar cones at Miss Kim's house, ornaments at Miss Robyn's, or salt-dough prints with Miss Carrie, we had so much fun being crafty this Christmas! We also enjoyed baking...and eating sugar.
Christmas Sunday @ Harvest Bible Chapel
Christmas at church...well it's pretty important. Ultimately, we believe that One Omniscient Heavenly Father sent his only son to be born in the humblest of ways. A Messiah. Who would save the World. It's something to be cherished and celebrated. So seeing our church provide opportunities for our little ones, elementary-aged, middle-school & high-school students to all lead us into worship in various actually brought tears to my eyes. I had to tell myself to pull it together during the Christmas play the elementary kids did...and then again when the middle-schoolers led the congregation in worship. Can we just do it again, already? THANK YOU to everyone who helped. I'd love to help! Someday. It's just not the season for me quite yet.
Where's Carly? :) |
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Middle Schoolers & their drums. |
Christmas Eve
This day is my favorite day of the year. It just is. I look forward to a service that swells my heart and produces a steady stream of tears down my cheeks, I look forward to sharing soup together in honor of the tradition that was set when Brian was a boy, I look forward to the anticipation of presents and opening one before bed and I look forward to the moments I share with Brian once our little ones are tucked away for the evening. Carly just looks forward to the petting zoo each year... ;)
Christmas Day
Waffles for breakfast! Presents, galore! A few FaceTime time & work time! I always sign up to work Christmas afternoon because I think it's important to show my support to all those who don't totally have a choice in the matter. Not ideal, but worth it.
I must document the Christmas menu Brian and I decided on last minute while standing in the aisles at the grocery store: Ham, Collard Greens + Bacon & Glazed Carrots. I shared our menu with a coworker and she affirmed that we couldn't have possibly been more Southern. We've officially diversified ourselves. Score.
Christmas in Minneapolis
Thank you Ma, Pa, Trey & Tiffy for being willing to postpone your Christmas for us once again! It's so special to share a big breakfast with you all and open thoughtful gifts from people who mean the world to me. Thanks for making our time in Minneapolis so so special. ;)
Tiff got Carly some makeup! |
She's been asking for Tiana since Princess life began! She only comes in the box so mommy refused but Nana came through! |
Classic Bapa...Carly really was his present. :) |
A White Christmas! |
Thanks for the makeup, Aunt Tiff. ;) |
Santa Babies
My Favorite pic from the season...
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
"Joyful & Triumphant"
*Happy New Year*
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Photo by Libby Asay Studio |
Welcome 2016! May this be a year to work hard, find peace in our decisions and create a sustainable plan for our future. May God go before us and hem us in (Psalm 139).
It was, of course, my every intention to post an official Christmas card letter, but this year it will be that of a New Year card! We are truly looking toward 2016 with excitement and angst as we seek new opportunities, make some life-changing decisions and wholeheartedly pursue the plan our Creator has for us. But before we jump the gun on that, here's a look into our 2015 year in review.
The Papa
Brian transitioned from Coronado Springs as a Housekeeping Manager to supporting WDW Lodging Line of Business as a Quality Auditor. He enjoys upholding the company's cleanliness standards and also loves having weekends off with his family! In his free time he has become quite the chef & has enjoyed multiple rounds of golf & visits to the gym this year. We love Brian for so many reasons, but he is the pillar of stability and strength in all of our lives.
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Photo by Libby Asay Studio |
The Mama
Tricia finally began feeling healthy after finding out she is allergic to wheat, rye & barley! Although this was not something she would have ever expected, her quality of life has been richly impacted by consuming a diet that allows for her body to function properly! Feeling good translated into joy in every other facet of life. She had the energy to conduct a "great purge" and let go of at least 9 garbage bags of stuff. She began getting up before the kiddos twice a week for some heavy gym time, and continues to get out & push her double stroller...allowing her to finally shed the last of the baby weight this fall. She continues to adore her job & praises God for the opportunity to work outside the home. Mama is loved for many reasons, but probably most for her ability to find ways to spend quality time with each member of her family.
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Photo by Libby Asay Studio |
The Big Sis
Carly lives in the world of imagination & has spent hours playing in princess dresses & with princess dolls. She found a new love for musical theater with the introduction to "Mary Poppins" and "The Sound of Music." Her favorite food is olives, her favorite color is blue & she would prefer playing with friends over doing anything else! When at the playground, Carly desires to swing through the duration of our stay & can simply not get high enough! She is becoming quite the young lady as she articulates how she feels through expressions and words such as, "I am upset, I love you more than anything, Thank you for making the food you make, Luke is frustrating me right now, It made me sad when you said that and Can you do me a favor?" We love Carly for many reasons, but her sweet, imaginative spirit stimulates joy throughout our house.
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Photo by Libby Asay Studio |
The Little Buddy
Luke changed & grew like any one-year-old would do! Turning foot steps into sprints & babbles into words, his personality, preferences & charm continue to show through more & more with each passing month. He loves balls, trucks, giraffes, TRAINS & anything his sister is playing with. At any playground he heads straight for the biggest slide & dives on head first. He is our little snuggle-bug and his affections make our hearts burst. Luke is loved for many reasons, but his charming sense of humor and tight squeezes can keep us going for days.
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Photo by Libby Asay Studio |
Wishing love and joy and strength and peace as we turn the proverbial new leaf of another year to you and yours.
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Photo by Libby Asay Studio |
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Photo by Libby Asay Studio |
Monday, November 23, 2015
"There's So Much To Be Thankful For"
I love living in Florida October-January. Those four months are typically bliss. I think I could live anywhere in October just because pumpkin, harvest & the red/orange/gold combo makes me happy. In Central Florida, October is the month we all crave and we are so relieved when it finally arrives. Some years it brings the cooler, 80-degree weather; and sadly some years it stays in the 90s. This was a year was a little of both.
There are a million happenings around here once the holiday season kicks in (which of course is September 15th...) so it adds spice to the everyday. Here are some ways we celebrated Fall in the month of October:
Garden Grill Character Dining
GG in EPCOT is on our top 10 list. It's Harvest themed so the best time to go is Oct/Nov. Brian came home one evening and surprised us with reservations. We got dressed up in our fall gear (permission to laugh that I'm wearing a tank top with boots) and had a wonderful dinner out as a family!
Harvest Bible Chapel Fall Festival
Carly still remembers this from last year...all the cars lined up so we could trick-or-treat past them. They DO put on a big hoopla! I love that Harvest is willing to take such care in making sure these events are well organized, safe & fun. It's so easy to invite friends to join.
Pumpkin Painting
Carly is into "little tiny" things so of course she chose the smallest pumpkin she could find for her pumpkin this year. Naturally, the boy who copies all of her moves, went with one the exact same size. I always go for the one most round...and Daddy usually admires our pumpkins rather than choosing his own. ;)
Bert & Mary Poppins!! I am so happy Carly chose to be Mary Poppins!! What fun we've had learning music from the great Julie Andrews this year! Trick-or-treat is such a kiddo favorite...and our two little sugar-crazed miniatures think it's the best day of the year. Daddy is the candy-passer-outer at our house and I am the trick-or-treat escort. We have a good system down. ;)
Autumn Decor
I love decorating...but doing it on a budget can be frustrating. I have a rule that I only purchase one new seasonal decor item per holiday per year. This banner was my purchase for this year & broke the bank at $4.
I excitedly bumped into this frame for $8 at a garage sale and decided to turn it into something that housed a kiddo art project for each season. I think these painted leaves are a nice addition to the little tip-of-the-hat to autumn we have around the house.
Tastes of the Season
Pumpkin bread (thanks, Mom for making it gfree!), Butternut squash soup, Taco Dip, Baked Apples, Puppy Chow, Apple Cider & Pumpkin seeds are among our favorite eats during fall. Actually...I am willing to try ANYTHING made with may be my favorite food.
The kids really enjoyed helping me make pumpkin cupcakes for their Puggles teachers. And we had fun eating them, too!
The Hoop-Dee-Doo Revue
Brian's 28th birthday was celebrated with his Uncle Dick & Aunt Crystal at Hoop-Dee-Doo! We avoid taking our kiddos out to eat at all costs but we figured with a show going on it would be better. We were mistaken. Fortunately, Crystal saved the day & entertained Luke on her lap through the entire show.
Happy end to fall!! Let the "Holiday Season" begin!!!
There are a million happenings around here once the holiday season kicks in (which of course is September 15th...) so it adds spice to the everyday. Here are some ways we celebrated Fall in the month of October:
Garden Grill Character Dining
GG in EPCOT is on our top 10 list. It's Harvest themed so the best time to go is Oct/Nov. Brian came home one evening and surprised us with reservations. We got dressed up in our fall gear (permission to laugh that I'm wearing a tank top with boots) and had a wonderful dinner out as a family!
Harvest Bible Chapel Fall Festival
Carly still remembers this from last year...all the cars lined up so we could trick-or-treat past them. They DO put on a big hoopla! I love that Harvest is willing to take such care in making sure these events are well organized, safe & fun. It's so easy to invite friends to join.
Carly's best friend, Kate. |
Kate has a little brother, Blake, who is just a few months older than Luke |
You'll notice Bert ditched his hat immediately |
Carly cherishes Dani! She's like a big sister to her. :) |
These girls are near & dear to Carly's heart as her Puggles classmates from last year. Not a week went by that she didn't include these gals in her stories. Love their mamas, too! |
Pumpkin Painting
Carly is into "little tiny" things so of course she chose the smallest pumpkin she could find for her pumpkin this year. Naturally, the boy who copies all of her moves, went with one the exact same size. I always go for the one most round...and Daddy usually admires our pumpkins rather than choosing his own. ;)
Bert & Mary Poppins!! I am so happy Carly chose to be Mary Poppins!! What fun we've had learning music from the great Julie Andrews this year! Trick-or-treat is such a kiddo favorite...and our two little sugar-crazed miniatures think it's the best day of the year. Daddy is the candy-passer-outer at our house and I am the trick-or-treat escort. We have a good system down. ;)
I didn't realize a little make up would make her look like a pageant girl :/ |
Autumn Decor
I love decorating...but doing it on a budget can be frustrating. I have a rule that I only purchase one new seasonal decor item per holiday per year. This banner was my purchase for this year & broke the bank at $4.
I excitedly bumped into this frame for $8 at a garage sale and decided to turn it into something that housed a kiddo art project for each season. I think these painted leaves are a nice addition to the little tip-of-the-hat to autumn we have around the house.
Tastes of the Season
Pumpkin bread (thanks, Mom for making it gfree!), Butternut squash soup, Taco Dip, Baked Apples, Puppy Chow, Apple Cider & Pumpkin seeds are among our favorite eats during fall. Actually...I am willing to try ANYTHING made with may be my favorite food.
The kids really enjoyed helping me make pumpkin cupcakes for their Puggles teachers. And we had fun eating them, too!
The Hoop-Dee-Doo Revue
Brian's 28th birthday was celebrated with his Uncle Dick & Aunt Crystal at Hoop-Dee-Doo! We avoid taking our kiddos out to eat at all costs but we figured with a show going on it would be better. We were mistaken. Fortunately, Crystal saved the day & entertained Luke on her lap through the entire show.
Happy end to fall!! Let the "Holiday Season" begin!!!
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