Sunday, June 28, 2015

"You Are Beautiful My Sweet Sweet Song"

When I was thinking about a blog post for Ma & Pa Days 2015 this was the first song that came to mind.  I think it so accurately describes the demanding, fun, selfless, precious, rewarding, time-intensive and sweet sweet life stage of being Mommy & Daddy to very small children.  Those of you who know me well know that sometimes I still really struggle with this season of life and finding my purpose amidst such an exhausting schedule.  Or maybe I should say...those of you who know any large amount of young mamas know that they often feel this way.  At any rate, I am growing and learning how to mold myself to fit into what God has planned for me in each season of life...and this one sure is beautiful.

So...for Mother's Day...I spent time focusing on myself that day (insert giggle here) while Brian was at work.  May was still bringing "cool" mornings, so I decided to capture a selfie of me in my robe drinking my coffee. I love that Luke is waddling around in the back ground.  I thought this was a good reminder of how precious these little years are...sitting in the backyard in the early hours of the morning already covered in sand & dirt....and meditating on God's perfect creation in little children.  I do love them so much.

Of course I also made the kiddos pose for a few Mother's Day photos with me.  Carly was so sweet to participate!

I treated myself just a little bit at nap time...seriously...I don't typically do this when my kiddos are sleeping...

Brian came home, grilled a nice meal for us and we just played.  Low key...just a mama & her little family. ;)

Father's Day was not quite as low key...but every bit as precious! I took video of Carly talking all about her Daddy to start the day and we texted some photos & videos to him at work.  We went to church and heard a wonderful sermon on the role of the Father...and couldn't help but be overjoyed with delight as I thought about how wonderfully Brian fits into that mold.  

Carly made a craft for Daddy that said, "You're Tie-riffic!" and was very excited to give it to him when he arrived home!

Our Father's Day tradition is to head to the golf course & all tag along while Daddy plays! I packed every snack I could think of & I believe we still ran out by about hole 14.  Let's just say we called it quits when the food ran out.  We were, of course, drenched from head to toe on the 100+ degree heat index on Father's Day, it was home, showers & bedtime after that! Carly REALLY loved golfing & is probably at an age where she could go with Brian any time and sit through 18 holes.  We will probably give Luke a few more years...and we will leave it at that, ;)

Ok...I may have made some edits to brighten up the colors in this photo..but I really really like this picture!

Although we didn't get to spend any time with our parents or Grandparents during these special days, it doesn't mean we didn't think about them and the legacy they have imprinted on our hearts & minds! So many of the decisions we make are based on their wonderful & loving examples of what it looks like to be selfless, Godly & grace-filled parents.  Brian and I are so thankful we grew up in such wonderful homes and the road our parents paved before us is the one we hope to follow.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

"Little Bit of Everything"

June 9th.  Holy moly where has the time gone since my last post, April 21st?  I had no intentions of taking a 7-week blogging hiatus, but I do have good reason.  I've been really into online scrapping booking & watching 19 Kids & Counting (I will be happy to discuss the recent trial their family is going through if you promise to do all the listening) so that's where my 3 spans of free time per week have gone (Yes...Sunday, Monday & Tuesday naps are really precious times to myself and the only time I spend alone).  As a very small number of you know, I've also been very sick.  We are seeking medical advice but truth be told we don't know all the ins & outs of why I am feeling so yucky all the time.  But, I try to relatively keep this blog positive and felt like I only had negative things to say as I battled whatever it is I'm battling.'s the best update I've got....I'll go one family member at a time.

Brian has been pulling incredibly long hours at work.  So...he spends most of this time...there. Fortunately for me he doesn't read my blog so he will have no idea that I posted a photo of him in the Cinco de Mayo parade at work...

When he is home, however, we are blessed with his undivided attention & love! He is so much fun for us to hang out with. He has been able to golf 3 times in the past 6 weeks so I know that has aided in relieving stress.  Only time will tell what his next gig on the job will be.  Until then, he's been enjoying time with his family (both of his brothers & their families along with his parents & my parents visited between April/May/June) and time with his kiddos.

I've been working a lot, too!  The most exciting thing for me was being asked to be a Disney Media Rep!  I got to spend a weekend hanging out at a media event about the Coolest Summer Ever (Featuring OLAF) and represented one of the pop radio stations here in Orlando! It was so fun to see how the Marketing & Events teams come together!  Here are a few photos from the event. 

I've also been enjoying watching Downtown Disney transform into Disney Springs, running some terrific events & spending time with these lovely ladies.  Fridays in the office are called: Girls' Day!

Super Hero Event @ Pin Traders
Thee best team I've ever been on & will ever be on (not pictured: the awesome fellas)

Other than battling feeling all sorts of illness-like-thingys I don't have time for right now, I've been spending a lot of time trying to tone up my body.  I think I have a disorder called--I will never be skinny enough, ever--that I'm trying to work through.  I've found some really good toning exercises that work perfectly on a towel in the backyard while the kiddos are out playing (who knew I took so many selfies in workout gear with Carly...weirdo alert).

Carly loves her MagiClip Princesses, her princess dresses, & playing in her closet.  We have a lovely little space under the stairs that has a dual-purpose of a private play room for Miss C & a storage unit in the back. She spends at least an hour in there/day!  She also requests to go swimming often every day.

Next time you see her...ask her to name all the Disney Princesses...

Her favorite "swimming suit" bc it's PINK.

Heels, princess dress, hair down & a bouquet of flowers = CARLY

Luke loves being outside!  From time at the park to time in the backyard, playing in water, dirt, grass, mud, whatever...he could spend all day out there.  He thinks he is in charge of the hose & asks for it to be turned on every time we step outside.  I love our little fenced-in yard! It's perfect for small children.  Other than that Luke spends a lot of time eating. ;)

We took nearly a 3-month break from the parks but the past few weeks we have ended up there often. We've spent a lot of time at the pool & enjoyed a few family picnics.

I think my favorite night was just this week when we shared some ice cream on the Boardwalk.

Not blogging has not been for lack on happenings around here.  Our lives & hearts are full and we are so thankful for this stage of life, soaking up these little years and working hard with hopes to stay above all the demands of adulthood. :)