Sunday, April 27, 2014

Project 365: {Days 111-117}

Day 111: We took Nana blueberry picking!

Day 112: Sorry...but this is the only picture I took this day after I was brave enough to take off the bandages.  It looked way better than I thought it was going to look!  The healing power of the human body is remarkable!

Day 113:  An "Oh crap I haven't taken a picture today!" picture. ;)

Day 114: Family Day spent at DAK!  My Mama headed to Sanibel Island to visit one of her bridesmaids so we spent the day just the four of us.

Day 115: On the rare occasion Carly poses next to her brother & says, "cheese" can bet I am right on that!

Day 116: She loves building her towers!...And knocking them over.

Day 117: An evening BBQ and worship at church!

Project 365: {Days 104-110}

We've had another very eventful week and pictures alone just wont do so lucky for you I'm writing commentary to go with & posting multiple pictures associated with each day. ;)

Day 104:  Aaron, Kelly & Cora, Brian's brother & his family, arrived late into the evening Sunday night.  We introduced the newest member of our family to them & watched two wild girls run laps around the house.  Carly screamed & darted toward the door yelling "cousin Cora" when she heard the knock but was a bit overwhelmed once all the action actually began!  It only took her 10 minutes, however, to invite them up to her room. I love that she has ownership over a place she feels so safe in.  You know you are welcome in our home if you get an invite up to Carly's room. ;)  Moving on though, since all that actually took place on day 103.  On day 104 we all awoke rested and packed our bags for the BEACH!  I'm fairly certain this was both Cora & Luke's first time seeing the Ocean & I think they both enjoyed it!  We live just over an hour from Cocoa beach and yet never go that direction.  Silly us.  I think we will begin to visit the beach more regularly!  The resort we began our honeymoon at was just a few miles from where we ended up parking ourselves.  I thought that was pretty cool.  I mean, who lives an hour away from the place they honeymooned!?

The beach is fantastic every time we go.  The sound of the waves put Luke to sleep instantly and although I laid him in the sand for some sweet beach baby photos, he spent most of the day in his carrier up close to mommy.

The girls enjoyed the water, the sand & the boogie board!  Brian & Aaron even took the board out far enough into the ocean that we could barely see their heads!  We all spent time laying in the sand, picking up shells & letting the waves hit us (well, not all of us...Luke didn't get any salt water action).

This is the only picture we got of all three cousins!

The beach was an amazing start to a wonderful week!  Upon our arrival home, Kel & I left the kiddos with their dads and went to Bonefish Grill for a very lovely girls evening.  I am blessed to have a sister-in-law I enjoy being with and who has ended up being in my closest circle of friends. I know many women are not that lucky!

Day 105:  This day was all about Orlando!  While Brian was at work, the rest of us headed downtown, where we took a walk around Lake Eola & then headed to a few museums.  We really enjoyed the Orlando History was very well done & it was fun to learn more about the place we currently reside.  After the museum we had lunch at a deli then I took my kiddos home for naps & A, K &C continued on to more downtown adventures.  That night we picked up BBQ from our favorite place, 4 Rivers, and enjoyed one anothers company.

As close as Carly would get to the gator...

Day 106:  A cool front came in which made for a really nice visit to a packed Magic Kingdom!  It was so busy the property actually began a "phased closing" in the afternoon.  We got to do the new attractions in Fantasyland & enjoyed eating in the Beast's castle before deciding to head home for a low key evening.  The girls enjoyed an Easter egg hunt in the backyard.  Carly had "helped" me stuff the eggs so she knew exactly what she was picking up.  I realized it was her first egg hunt & wondered why she didn't participate in the one we had in Iowa last year.  Then I realized that a year ago she wasn't fully walking yet! Holy moly what a difference a year makes!!!

These two couldn't be any sweeter!

My favorite pic of Cora!

The boys were totally enthused...

Day 107:  Brian & I both had to work this day, but that doesn't mean it wasn't an incredibly full day!  We headed to a local trail, the Tibet-Butler Preserve & had a really super nice hike.  The girls began by running the trails so naturally tuckered out & needed to be carried the entire way home. ;)

I must be accustomed to our variety of exotic tropical plants after living here four years.  A&K kept commenting on all the cool plants they were spotting & I just kept thinking that they weren't that special. ;)  I also realized how much more manageable one kid is than two.  I most certainly needed their help when my 2-year-old demanded to be carried.  Walking back we were in a row with Kelly holding Luke, me holding Carly & Aaron holding Cora.  We may have looked a bit silly. ;)

After our hike we went blueberry picking!! There is a farm right down the street from us & there is a 6-8 week period when blueberries are ripe for harvest!  It was my first time ever fruit picking & it was delightful!  Aaron teamed up with Carly & commented, "I think I'm at a negative ratio here."  Carly had figured out it was easiest to have Aaron pick the berries and her eat them out of the bucket.  Ha!  We ended up with nearly 6 pounds of super yummy blueberries!

We came home & off to work I went.  Once Brian arrived home, the clan came to DTD, where we all had our first experience at Bongos Cuban Cafe; which was quite delicious!

We had such a fun week with A, K&C!  The girls have a pretty special bond and despite being miles a part and only seeing one another a few times a year, it was pretty obvious they love each other.  Cora is a sweetheart & I told her she is welcome at our house any time she wants!  Truly, it was such a fun week & I hope they will consider making it a spring break tradition!!! :)

Day 108:  The "other" Weiss clan left for their flight way before we were up for the day, I had a full day of work & Brian & the kids hung out in the morning then picked my mom up from the airport in the afternoon!

Day 109:  This is a day I wish I could re-live.  I was rushing around trying to get ready for work & make snacks for our weekly staff meeting.  I was in the process of using my food processing wand & idiotically decided my finger would suffice for scraping the sticky dates out.  My hand slipped & hit the button, which made the blade spin, grabbing my finger & wedging itself into my bone.  Luke was sleeping & my mom was upstairs with Carly when they heard me let out a very shrill scream.  Ugh.  The worst part was trying to get the blade out of my finger.  My mom tried pulling it out and cut her finger, then told me to just leave it in until we got to the hospital.  I decided I had already essentially cut my finger off so ripping the blade out couldn't do too much more damage.  Carly freaked so I was careful to calm down & explain that I had an owie and she needed to get in the car with Nana.  I am impressed by how quickly my mom had grabbed Luke from his crib, Carly from upstairs and remembered to grab my purse. Sadly, I was not dressed, so she put some pants on me but I couldn't separate my hands to get a shirt on.  I apologized for not being dressed when I got to the ER and one of the nurses told me to just pretend I was coming from the beach. ;)  We got in the car and headed up the road to a Centra Care.  On the way we passed a fire station ambulance and rolled down our window to make sure we were correct in thinking there was a Centra Care in the village.  They advised us to follow them to the nearest hospital instead.  How nice was that!?  So...we ended up in Ocoee 30 minutes later & by this time I was in pretty bad pain. I just kept telling myself that it wasn't as bad as childbirth so I needed to suck it up.  Carly kept yelling from the back seat, "what happened mommy?!" and "Carly kiss it, Carly kiss it!"  I hadn't eaten yet that day and was feeling fairly light headed so by the time I ran into the ER I could barely talk.  We hadn't grabbed a bottle and so now Luke is also screaming.  My poor mom is chasing a two-year-old around the lobby of the ER while trying to soothe a hungry boy who clearly cannot be soothed.  Once they took my vitals I requested to nurse my baby.  So, I have a dangling finger (not was still attached), I'm not wearing much clothing & now I'm breastfeeding my baby.  I'm going to say that combo was a first in the ER.  Yep...all that happened.  I just couldn't make this stuff up, folks.  Anyway...after some numbing wonderfulness, xrays & stitches, I was good as new and off to work I went.  I figured I better go to work since I now had some hefty medical bills to pay.  Plus I needed some sympathy from everyone at work. ;)  What a blessing that my mom was here when such a bad accident happened.  I would rather not ever have to cross "ambulance ride" off my bucket list.  Here's your picture from the lovely

Day 110:  EASTER!  The Lord has Risen indeed!  He loves you & came to save you, dying a gruesome death on a cross so that by accepting him & allowing him to have reign in your heart you would have a more fulfilling life on Earth & more importantly would have eternal life in Heaven.  I am such a sinful, broken & troubled being but by His grace I am redeemed and blessed beyond what words can say.  We celebrate his Resurrection everyday, but rejoice together as Christians on the Sunday we call Easter.  It was extra special to have my mom here to celebrate the day with us. :)

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

"I'm The Man" {Luke 3 Months}

Luke has been such a perfect addition to our family.  I shed a tear to see his infancy go, but am continually excited to see the boy he will become.  He is so easy & adjusts right into whatever we may be doing.  The amount of tears he's had in the past month probably add up to the amount of tears Carly had in one day. ;)  Here are some things we've learned this month:
  • Although he just loves being held, he is working on being more content on his own!  He spends quite a bit of time in his bouncer while watching Carly dance around the room! In fact, when she disappears he almost instantly starts to whine!
  • He continues to get over stimulated easily but sure lights up when we smile at & talk to him
  • He LOVES to suck on his fingers
  • He eats so fast I wonder if he is even getting any milk.  Sometimes he downs his entire meal in 7-8 minutes!
  • He loves being outdoors & will happily sit in the stroller during a run
  • He takes his best naps in the carrier snuggled up close to mommy
  • Sweats like he just participated in a an athletic competition
  • Doesn't enjoy water of any kind and has the cutest little panic when the shower hits is tummy
  • That darn noise from the ice maker gets him every time
  • He is beginning to enjoy touching & playing with toys.  His favorite is a Lamaze butterfly that makes the crinkle noise & Carly is always putting the butterfly on him. :)
  • Luke's preferred method of settling/going to sleep is doing a nice bouncy lap around the house
  • Constantly kicks his feet in the air 
  • Beginning to really coo & participate in conversation
  • Can roll from tummy to back but doesn't do it everyday
  • When on his tummy, he can turn 180 degrees & often kicks himself forward
  • When he's not being my snuggle buddy he enjoys bouncing on my knee.  Always.
  • He still eats all. the. time.

Carly's sleep patterns drove me nuts.  When I had Luke I looked him in the eye & assured him that his sleep was not going to bother me.  I'm so glad I made that commitment and can honestly say getting up with him in the night or his one-sleep-cycle naps haven't frustrated me.  A mama with a new babe is constantly asked how the baby is sleeping and I will admit I enjoy participating in the over-dramatic plea of being up with him 4 times/night...but truth be told I don't really care.  It thrills me that we've come as far as we have and just the fact that he sleeps for the first 3 hours of his night in his own room delights me.  I get excited for him to join me in bed & even though I don't sleep as well with him in my arms I so cherish these precious precious nights.  I have time to sleep down the road but I bet you quiet night time snuggles will be gone sooner than I'd like them to.

When I was doing tons of baby sleep reading when Carly was a baby, I remember reading that if you truly wanted a good schedule that you needed to wake your baby at the same time each day.  Well, we've found that it certainly helps with a more predictable schedule but is still a bunch of poppy-cock.  Carly pretty consistently wakes at 7:30am, so that means the rest of us do to.  So...Luke does nap & eat at fairly some-what consistent times but that doesn't mean he has a good, predictable schedule like the books promised. ;)  He takes 5 naps/day & is now starting to go every 3 hours for food, but that is his absolute max!  This means he's still eating 3-4 times at night. 

I'm fairly certain he's a good 14 pounds & I just started putting him in his 6-month sleepers this week.  He is about 24 inches long & has many many rolls down those thighs!

Well, that's it!  He's a great baby & I couldn't ask him to be any sweeter! Here are his 3-month pics!  All three are pretty classic Luke faces. :) If you want to compare him to his sis, you can head over to her 3-month post.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Project 365: {Days 98-103}

Day 98: Ted & Lindsay were in Tampa on a work trip & graciously came our way to spend the afternoon & evening with us!  I was so happy to re-connect with Linds since she had the stomach bug while we were in Iowa.  We went to EPCOT & ate at Marrakesh...mmm!!

Day 99: Daddy's Friday night always consists of much celebration. ;) Here she wanted to dance after watching Frozen, her first ever movie!

Day 100: Home from work & soaking up his sweet face

Day 101: There is just something about a little boy in his blue car sleeper...

Day 102: Garage-sale-ing in the morning was a success! We got C this tent/castle & a bike!

Day 103: Palm Sunday & the kiddos got to sing in the service!  Can you find Carly?  Her back is to the congregation because she wanted to look at all the kids.  She was the youngest kid up there since she just moved to the 2-yr-old class a few weeks ago.  I fell in love with performing because of church productions so seeing her up there made me feel so happy and quite nostalgic.