Friday, May 18, 2012

"These Are a Few of My Favorite Things" {3 Months}

Today our wonderful little girl is 3 months old! She is doing better than ever and I love everything about her. 

She is a great little girl and we can see she is full of spirit!  She loves to explore and play, needs to be cooed and smiled at, but also needs to have alone time.  She's the perfect mix of Brian and I and we see that all the time.  She loves to be held but does in fact need to be set down.  She is a good sport about things like getting dressed and changing her diaper, but chooses to throw fits about being in the car.  She absolutely loves to be sang to and more and more we see her chiming in.  She loves the outdoors and is perfectly content being strapped to one of us while gallivanting around.  She smiles all the time and is not only rolling over on a daily basis but has started to scoot across whatever surface she's on.  She has big, beautiful eyes and opens them as wide as they will go!
She loves to look at herself in the mirror and will chat up a storm when there.  We should get it on film, really, because the way she moves and talks while looking at herself in the mirror is fascinating!  If she's being fussy, playing in the mirror, bouncing on the ball or putting her feet in water should do the trick of entertaining her.  She needs white noise when she sleeps and startles easily to loud noises.  She loves to snuggle with her mommy, and we take a snugly nap together in the mornings a couple times a week.  I will miss that SO much when she grows out of it.  She enjoys being stimulated but will have a meltdown if we take it too far.  She loves to hang in the air and giggles when we bring her down and give her a smooch on her neck.  She wants to be everywhere we are and is a good sport about me carrying her around on my hip
(facing out) while I do chores.  She likes to touch things and can bat at something above her head every now and then.  We've been reading her touchy-feely books and she likes to touch the soft things and pulls her hand away from the scratchy things.  She LOVES bright colors and still loves circles and lines.  She enjoys hanging out on her changing table and wakes up crying from naps.  She gets excited to see her daddy in the evenings and is a champ at being put to bed for the night.  She can put herself back to sleep in the middle of the night and is going to have strong ab muscles with the amount of leg raises she does in that swaddle!  She is maturing every day, before our very eyes.  I'm convinced sometimes she knows what we are saying and certainly understands our tone.  I talk to her all day long when I'm with her and try to explain everything I'm doing.  I never knew I could know a baby so well. :)

Some funnier things about Carly at 3 months old is her preference to be in a squatting or sitting position while making a bowel movement (I think that will transition us nicely to potty training in a few years), and the sleep smiles she gives when she is past exhaustion.  She attacks her food as if she's gone days without eating.  When she is done eating she wants to suckle for a while and fully desires to be in control of when she is done.  Sometimes when I know she is done I will pull her off and she will start crying so I'll put her back on and literally 30 seconds later she will unlatch, look up at me and grin.  I think she does that just to let me know that she is in control and will choose when its play time verses suckle time.

There you have a random bundle of facts about Carly!  We love watching her grow, learn and change and each month has been our favorite!  Although I will say that I will try to enjoy the first month more with the next babes. :) 

Two things that highlight her maturity:

1. That she doesn't cry for her needs as much these days, but has this cry/talk.  It's hard to describe and maybe I should get it on film, but she opens and closes her mouth like she's talking and makes a noise I can best describe in writing as "wow-uh, wow-uh, wow-uh" (kind of like in Charlie Brown). It's used in a whiny timbre but it is not a cry.  If we don't give her what she needs she will all of a sudden transition into a very loud "whaa!" but gives us a chance to help her by asking before demanding. ;)

2.  A few days ago I talked about us working on her nap routine.  I am so proud of how she has taken not bouncing on the ball in stride!  Now we can just lay her in her crib on her left side facing the wall, put her pacifier in her mouth, rub her back and make "shush-ING" noises.  The first week it took a good 10 minutes of standing there but sometimes now we can lay her down and only have to rub her back for 90 seconds.  She knows that she wants to sleep and now knows that once we lay her down and stick that paci in her mouth she can get her rest.  That is the only time she takes her paci and we are fine with that!  She still only takes about 6-8 half hour naps per day, but that's alright.  Soon enough we will transition to 3 long naps (or maybe only two at the rate she's going).

So far, for every pound she gains, she also grows an inch!  She just can't keep up with herself.  She weighs about 10.5 pounds and is 24 inches long.  Anyone who has met her knows, she burns more calories than the average baby!  She just NEVER stops moving. We love that!  She has started her big 3-month growth spurt RIGHT on track, as today she has needed food every 2 hours if not sooner. 

Here are a few pictures to show our sweet girly at 3 months old and those big, beautiful, blue eyes!

Carly also grew out of a lot of her clothes this week and graduated into size 1 diapers! They are much larger and better contain her waste. :)

 Carly Bear, you are a joy to be with and every morning when you wake we can't wait to go into your room and swoop you up.  Thank you for making our lives so fulfilling! 

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