Thursday, May 17, 2012


I have been so blessed by God my entire life.  Big blessings, small blessings, I feel blessed on a daily basis

Psalm 103:17 says,
"But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children.

I don't know two people who have been more faithful to the Lord than my grandparents, and I know I am reaping the benefits of that.  I start out by saying that today because I'm just so thankful for our life here.  I have an incredible husband, a house I love, two reliable cars, wonderful jobs, a loving church family, a steady paycheck, and now, a beautiful daughter.  What more could I possibly want?  Oh live closer to family.  But, it's okay...that time will come.  We are blessed to have their support from a distance, and blessed that our families have the means to come visit.

What brings the topic of "blessings" to mind is that for the past 2 weeks Carly has been sleeping 10 hour nights.  I know it's totally crazy for a 12-week old to do that, but I know that its God's blessing to me.  He is allowing me to come home from work and still get 6 hours of sleep, something He knows I need in order to function properly.  Carly's bedtime is fairly late for a child, but it works for her and works for our crazy schedule. I SO desire the normalcy that so many families have, the normalcy of putting their child to bed and spending a few hours as a couple, then all getting up in the morning to start the day, but that is not our life right now.  I think someday it will be, but in this particular season it is not.  Also, I don't know very many moms who work until 1am every night, but that is the trade-off for not having to put Carly in daycare.  At least I'm only in my mid-twenties and can handle a crazy schedule!

Carly has been needing 10 hours of sleep each night for a while now, but she was getting up at 5am to eat.  I told Brian that at some point she would just sleep through that feeding and not need it anymore.  Two days before I started back to work, she decided to give it up.  Coincidence?  I think not!  Praise God for His everlasting sovereignty and His peace which transcends all understanding.  Carly sleeping through the night is a blessing and a gift.  There's just no other explanation.

The other major blessing is the milk supply I've been able to grow and maintain.  I developed some major insecurities about my production when Carly lost so much weight at the beginning, and am still very sensitive to people commenting on her weight.  She is a dainty girl and from what our doctor can tell she is not going to be one of those chubby babies.  But he's fine with that and so am I!  Every time we go in for a check-up he says, "well, she checks out perfectly!"  But still, the first 10 weeks of Carly's life I called my mom every week just to hear her say that I had enough milk and that Carly was thriving.  It's so wonderful to have therapists for parents.  I need constant encouragement, and that has always been one of my mom's roles in my life.  I am happy to report that I no longer am worrying about it!  I am over producing by 2 bottles per day and am keeping up with what she is eating while I'm at work just fine.  I have a large freezer supply and could probably be gone nearly a week!  I've always wanted to nurse her for a year, and didn't want to start formula until at least 6 months.  Well we will most certainly accomplish both of those things by the grace of God.  I might not even have to introduce formula at all.  We shall see.

I have a big update to give on Carly...turning 3 months old tomorrow!  So I will wait and post that for her 3-month birthday. :)  I will leave you by thanking your for your support and prayers and with a beautiful smile from our girl!

PS-I think I should start a competition to see if anyone can name the artist of the song I use for my blog titles.  Believe it or not they are all song titles or lines from songs. :)

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