Saturday, May 12, 2012

"Hi Ho! Hi Ho! It's off to work I go..."

I can't believe it's been two weeks since I last wrote!  I guess when you are trying to soak up every second you have with your little girly you just don't get on the computer.  But now she is taking a nap, so it's a perfect time to recap my first week going back to work.  Now I understand that some of you think it might be totally silly that I had such a hard time leaving Carly since I'm only part time, but for me it was a big deal as I never planned to work outside the home once I had children.  I always hoped to teach piano and voice lessons at home while picking up odds and ends jobs.  I still have every intention of doing that once more babes enter our lives, but Brian and I both agreed that with just one child it was totally manageable for me to work 30 hours a week.  3-10 hour shifts and I'm done.  Doesn't sound like much to you full-timers, but it is PLENTY for me!

So...last Sunday I knew it was time to go back to work. My siblings were in town visiting us and therefore it created the perfect transition for me to leave Carly with two people I trust most next to Carly's grandparents.  I am SO glad they were here.  Sunday morning I made the mistake of putting Carly in the church nursery during the service.  She is beginning to be a distraction and so I thought, "I'll trying leaving her for an hour to see how this is going to go."  That was stupid!  I had to be called out of the service, TWICE.  By the end of church I was in tears because I figured that if I couldn't leave her for an hour, how could I leave her for 10+ hours?  So once we got home I took her into our bedroom for some quality lovin' with her.  I was so thankful Trey and Tiff were there so I didn't have to be so embarrassed crying once the babysitter arrived.  Because they had been in our home for a few days, Carly was familiar with them and I think that helped.  She has no problem playing with new people, but once it comes time to nap if it isn't done JUST RIGHT she flips.  So this week we've been working on a better sleep-time routine than bouncing on a ball...but more on that later.

Once I got to work it was better.  It was the walking out of the door part and driving to work thinking about her that was the toughest.  Once I was at work I put on my Disney face and was able to be a professional woman.  It helped that I was welcomed back so warmly by my cast and peers.  Tiff texted me hourly updates to assure me that everything was going wonderfully.  She never even cried (ps-the pressure is on for you visitors coming over the next month...can you keep her happy the whole time we're gone? [Auntie Anna, Mark & Chelsea, Grandpa & Grandma and Grandpa & Nana] *wink*).  Trey and Tiff knew exactly how she desired to be handled and did a great job catering to her needs.  It also helped once I knew Brian had gotten home.  He is just as good at caring for her as I am, so at that point I knew she would be fine.

Monday was easier, I only cried when I left, and by Tuesday I didn't cry at all.  Now granted, Tuesdays she is home with Brian so I don't have to leave her with unfamiliar people, but still, it was a big deal to be able to give her a hug and a kiss and walk out the door being okay to go to work.  I did enjoy being back at work, as I do love my job.  I had a million things to get caught up on plus while I was out we transitioned into having a new boss, so quite a bit of responsibilities had been shuffled around.  I would still rather be with Carly every second, but I think after a few months I will be glad I have a life outside of being a wife and a mom.  Plus, my Mom encourages me to remember these top 5 reasons as to why working part time is a good thing:

1. It's good for mothers to have an identity outside of their children
2. Carly has two primary care-givers, so it's good for both of us to be primary
3. It's good for Carly to spend time with people other than her Mom & Dad and will teach her some flexibility
4. I probably don't have that many more years of having a professional life, so enjoy it while I can.
5. Of course, the extra income is nice :)

So there you have it...after 11 weeks home with my love it was not fun to have to say goodbye to that.  But, after three days of work were over, it meant four days back doing what I've found I love most! :)  Tomorrow begins week two.  We have a lady coming over to play with Carly who she's only met once.  I hope it goes splendid!! 


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