Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Project 365: {Days 139-145}

Day 139: We got out the arts & crafts box I introduced her to glue!

Day 140: It's always a good thing when the cows are grazing in the field next to my running path for entertainment...can you spot them across the street? ;-)

Day 141: Carly's first mini golf experience! It was a blast!  We decided Brain could wear Luke so we'd be more evenly matched...and we still tied.

Day 142: 5 years of marriage!! I spent the day at work while Brian was home with the kiddos.  This is a photo of me painting one of the visual display items that will go into Zoey & Pickles, one of the shops we are about to open!

Day 143: Home from work in time for a dip in the pool.  We are having to re-teach Carly how to swim since she has completely & utterly forgotten. :(

Day 144: I was off on Saturday so of course we went to the Farmer's Market!

Day 145: Our Magnolia tree is in bloom & Carly loves the huge flowers!

Monday, May 26, 2014

"Divine Romance"

Brian & I have had quite the adventure since saying "I do" 5 years ago.  We've been blessed with four different places to make home, three very fun & rewarding jobs, two precious gifts of life and have established ourselves as one unit.  Truthfully, we've had very few trials and a lot more wins than losses in 5 years.  Our love has grown deeper and we've continued to push one another to become better people.  God calls us in marriage for many reasons, but one is because the two are better as a unit than we are as individuals.  I know this is true for us.

I am so thankful for a faithful husband who leads our family day in and day out.  I envy Brian's ability to have such balance in his life and feel he challenges me and rounds me out.  One of my cast members asked me if the first 5 years were difficult to which I replied, "Not really.  If anything it's been way easier being married than dating."  She was shocked by this response (I guess dating is more fun?) and inquired more.  I explained to her that when you are on the exact same page as your spouse, life is just the best it can be.  We share the same faith which molds all of our thoughts & our actions.  We have the same passions, the same goals, we share our hurts & we share in one another's joys.  We delight in our children and are sharing in the journey of learning how to be good parents.  We try our best to maximize on the little time we get together and both of us have complete confidence in the sincere love of the other.  I was so in love with Brian the day we said "I do" and didn't understand when people said I'd love him more as time passed.  It's not a "more" type love; but one that's so much deeper.  A love whose roots have strengthened and a love that is bathed in respect.  5 years later I again say, I've never been more in love...I couldn't be more in love.  But as another 5 years will soon pass, I'm sure I'll be saying that again.

Due to the nature of our wonderful jobs we are so grateful to have; we rarely have holidays & celebrations off together.  We were fortunate to have a day off together a week prior to our anniversary and took the opportunity to spend the day celebrating.  Although we would have loved some time alone; with my full time hours I've been working recently, I didn't want to be away from my kiddos another second.  So, we had fun celebrating as a unit.  I'll let the pictures speak for our day.

May 22nd I arrived home from work to a lovely dinner.  I got to put both kids to bed that evening and cried while I prayed for each of them.  How is it possible that God has blessed me with such a beautiful family?  What have I done to deserve such ease and such joy?  Our home, our jobs, our health...what else is left to desire?  With tears streaming down my face, I walked into our bedroom to see a warm bath surrounded by candles.  Brian and I talked about our wedding, like we do once a year, and talked about how different that day would be if we were getting married at 26 rather than at 21.  I was finally able to let go of the hurt I have from that weekend by accepting that we were just too young to have the ability to unite two very different families.  We talked about our favorite part of our wedding day...his favorite part was seeing me from a distance for the first time even though he wasn't suppose to see me yet...and my favorite part was walking down the aisle. We talked about how that day set the tone for so much of what was to come and shared in great memories from our honeymoon. I hope the next 5 years are every bit as great as these past 5 have been.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

"Do You Wana Build A Snowman?" {Carly 2 1/4 Years}

Carly's first year of life I wrote about her each month, then decided to spread out her second year of life every other month.  I was going to attempt to make it to 2 1/2 to write about her during her third year of life but I just can't! She's too cute and says too many hilarious things for me not to note.  So, I guess this year I'll write about her ever 3 months.  Here is Carly at 2 1/4 old:

Carly continues to be the most expressive little girl I've ever met and entertains those around her with dramatic facial expressions and high pitched exclamations!  She gets very very happy and quite overwhelmed.  She wears her emotions on her sleeves and has a wide range of them. Brian and I enjoy her so much and she is so attached to her parents.  She prefers her Daddy do most things for her; changing her diaper, putting her to bed, feeding her, etc...but would rather be carried around by me.  I think my body is just so soft these days I am like a big fluffy pillow. ;)

These are some of our favorite words we hear regularly:

Shopper: Lotion
Backus: Necklace/Bracelet
Boobes: Straberries, blueberries
Bubbers: Bubbles, brother
Boohick: Chapstick
Hungung: Triangle
Hangy: Finger
Amel: Animal
Oo Oo Ah Ah Ah: Monkey
Chrrrr: Chair
Downstrrrs: Downstairs

A few phrases we enjoy hearing:
"I'm really, really hung-y for water."
" right back"
"More Yet it Go!" (let it go)
"Carly do it"
"Time for keck up" (time for your check up)
"More candy"
"Daddy's daughter"
"I yove-oo so much"
"Carly hung-y"
"Mee-cock-moo-cock mickey mouse" (the intro to MM Clubhouse)

I wish I could record all the phrases we hear...I keep note of them throughout the day & then when I sit down to write I can't seem to think of any.  

Carly talks all the time & we can't get enough of her stories.  When she gets going she's a bit hard to understand but still so fun to listen to.  She is good at recalling her day and although leaves out a few details Brian can typically figure out what we've spent our time doing that day.

She loves to play games (hide & seek, ring around the rosie, hokey pokey), she loves to dance, loves to play with water, golf balls and Mickey & Minnie, along with all the other pals in her bed.  She spends extra time before & after sleep time having all sorts of conversations & experiences with her stuffed animals.

I love Carly's independence.  She wants me to open the door to the car but she has to be the one to climb in to her car seat.  I generally open her door, put Luke in on the other side, start the car to get the air running & head back to her side to buckle a little girl in whose sitting perfectly in her seat.  She initiates holding my hand when we are in a parking lot or crossing the street & generally lets me know by saying, "Oke, Mama" when she's doing something wrong.  She still takes a beautifully long nap in the afternoons and sleeps fairly well at night, although for the past month she has called for us at least once a night.  We even had our first experience of waking up in the middle of the night to a little human staring us in the face last week! Creepy.  Side note--I remember doing that to my dad all the time.  "Dad...are you awake??" ;-)

I probably wouldn't be giving an accurate description of how she spends her time if I didn't mention her love for TV.  I get rather annoyed of it, personally, but it may very well be Brian's favorite pass-time.  She requests to "Watch Mickey Minnie" multiple times a day!  We try to limit her to 2 shows/day.  Some days she gets lucky and sneaks in a third.

Another detail I cannot leave out is her obsession with Frozen, or as she refers to it, "Yet it Go!"  Her favorite song is "Do You Wana Build a Snowman" and sings that all. the. time.  She loves to listen to the music and has seen the movie from start to finish probably 5 times since we introduced it to her 2 months ago.  I love love to hear her singing at the top of her lungs when we are driving around.  Just love it!  Here's a sneak peek at what happened in the doctor's office for Luke's 4-month check up.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Project 365: {Days 132-138}

Day 132: Our last week-day play date with Carrie & Holden!  We wish her the best as she heads back to work full time!

Day 133: My awesome view while running

Day 134: Carly's pout face...we see this often ;)

Day 135: Carly smiling beautifully by some flowers

Day 136: We had a family day so decided we better celebrate our anniversary (that day will get it's own post)...this is the FIRST picture we've taken WITHOUT kids since having Carly. No joke.

Day 137: Another Tren-D event...third week in a row!  We featured Harvey Designer Bags!

Day 138: Best photo of the kids to date?!  I see smiles on both of them... ;)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

"He's a Bit of a Fixer-Upper" {Luke 4 Months}

I love this song!  Brian took Carly out for a date last week & came home with the Frozen soundtrack & we've been rocking out to it ever since!  I think the music & story are well does much of the rest of the country; clearly.  Anyway...even when I'm driving alone I will blast this song 4-5 times before choosing to listen to something else.  I always think of Luke & Carly and just chuckle to myself.  This song is just true...we are all a bit of fixer-uppers. ;-)

Luke is still the sweetest thing I've ever had the privilege of snuggling!  He melts in my arms and I feel like I never get enough snuggles for the day.  As I was rocking him to sleep last week I began feeling guilty that I chose not to do that with Carly.  I started thinking that it was because I was so influenced by all the modern books that spoke negatively of rocking...but then I had a flash back of her being stiff as a board with an arched back screaming in my ear & remembered that she refused to be rocked!  Anyway...I rock Luke because he lets me & appreciates it oh so much!
  • Little man, little brother, baby ooke, silly ooke, buddy & ookey ookey are the names we frequently hear flying around our home in reference to the youngest member of the house.  I think ookey ookey is among the favs. ;-)
  • Luke is so so so interested in our food.  He stares me down when I'm eating and sometimes I even catching him licking his lips!  Carly & I were having a smoothie the other day and I put just a dab on his lips & he went nuts.  That boy was licking his lips like I'd never seen before all while flailing his arms & kicking his legs!  Carly even noticed his excitement & said, "Tastes great, Luke! Ya!"  I have always been a bit-anti to introducing solids before 6 months...but we just might decide to try it.  Plus, the kid is always hungry so giving his body something to break down my keep him fuller?  
  • Luke wants to be standing at all times.  If he is fussy or squirmy letting those feet hit the floor settles him down.  We put together the jumperoo last week and he adores it!  
  • Reaches out for toys and enjoys holding something in is lap & bringing it to his mouth
  • Loves to hold our fingers
  • We have a finger sucker on our hands, ladies & gentleman.  Sometimes I even catch him with his paci in one corner of this mouth and a few fingers in the other.  You'd think the way he goes after his hands that he's hungry but he's definitely just enjoying the experience.
  • He may be most relaxed in my arms, but he thinks Carly is the most fun!  Whether it's watching her dance around the room, getting hugs & kisses or sitting in his bumbo next to her, Luke is all for quality time with his big sis.
  • Luke loves being outside.  We frequently spend our afternoons swinging on the front porch while sissy is sleeping.
  • Getting a smile out of Mr. Luke is pretty easy...just call his name and give him a grin and he's a happy boy.  He hasn't figured out those giggles quite yet (although he did giggle for my dad on two different occasions) and isn't very verbal, but he sure has some expression.
He is 25 inches & 16 pounds.  This is ONE POUND LESS than Carly was on her FIRST BIRTHDAY!  He's really growing at a fairly normal weight compared to his fellow male counterparts; it's just a big deal to us since we haven't experienced a big babe before.  You'd think carrying him around would tone my arms but nope they're still flabby... ;-)

Luke's sleeping rhythms are stupid & annoying and I am either going to sit on my soap box and lament about why he takes 45 minute naps when he clearly needs more time (our poor babysitters trying to calm a hysterical baby...) and why he can't make it a minute past 3 hours throughout the night without food or I will just choose not to talk about it.  I'm going to go with not talking about it. ;-p He's healthy & happy and we are blessed to have him which puts everything else into perspective.


Friday, May 16, 2014

Project 365: {Days 125-131}

Day 125: Bapa takes Carly swimming for the first time this season!

Day 126: After dropping Bapa off at the airport, we met up with friends at this new-to-us park (awesome) park!

Day 127: Pool time with Jillian

Day 128: Finally ordered a chair for Luke's room & completed his jungle themed room!

Day 129:Carly helped Daddy put together the jumperoo which has given Luke much joy!

Day 130: Carly LOVES being tickled!

Day 131: I had a wonderful Mother's Day! Came home from work to flowers the night before, took the kiddos to church Sunday morning & sat alone at church & was perfectly okay with it...then Brian came home from work, made dinner & dessert and gave me a wonderful gift complete with a message gift card & my two favorite food items.  Carly was so sweet to me & kept telling me happy birthday!  Brian got both kiddos to smile for a picture at the same time!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

"In My Skin Tight Jeans"

It's my 3rd Mother's Day! I have quite a few thoughts about being a mother so I decided I would try to journal some of my joys & trials and reflect a little bit; perhaps even starting something I may do each year. :)

I am in delighting in...Right now at this very moment, if I'm being completely truthful, the thing in my life I currently am enjoying the most is work.  My job is very exciting as we are 4 weeks from opening a brand new location.  Being on an opening team is something coveted by most cast members and I have been given much ownership & responsibility! My days fly so fast I feel like I'm chasing the hours and the only reason I know what time it is is when I can feel that I'm already full of milk...again!  I am heading into a few weeks of working full time; which stresses me out just a bit but it's temporary and I can get through most things that are temporary. ;-)  Of course I adore being with my children, hence why I don't have a full time job, so each day is filled with joy purely because I get to hang out with them! I am most delighting in watching their relationship blossom...Carly loves to play with Luke and is constantly in his face, holding his hand, including him in games & stories, telling him its okay when he's crying and asking where he is when he's sleeping.  Luke can be hysterical when he wakes up from a far to short of a nap but if I bring Carly into his room when he wakes up he is instantly better.  He's bored when she's sleeping and his blue eyes follow her all over the room!

I am struggling with...Although I say I don't care about Luke's sleep; it is a daily choice to not care.  Truth be told I do not love that he's still up 3 times/night for food and can't figure out how to take a nap longer than one sleep cycle.  I am very tired, although still function quite well whether at work or home.  I desire more one-on-one time with Carly but because he doesn't sleep much we don't have the pleasure of being alone.  I'm struggling with what do to...and the decision remains to just not worry about it & allow it to work itself out.  I am also struggling with knowing how to have the same great relationship with Carly that I did pre-brother.  She is frequently quite mean to me in the presence of her father and is beside herself when it is I who shows up in her room in the morning rather than her daddy.  It's hard not to take it personally even though I know this is a very common stage for a 2-year-old, even though I know this is a commonality when a new babe is brought home and even though I love that she and her father have such a wonderful relationship.

The beloved postpartum body...Maybe a year ago...two years ago now...I remember my sister-in-law blogging about reaching a point that she was comfortable in her own skin.  I read that I thought, "Wow, I didn't know that was possible!"  I've never been comfortable in my skin (other than maybe when I was too skinny after struggling with a slight eating disorder my junior year of high school); so how could I possibly be comfortable with being 20 pounds heavier than I desire with this pooch right smack dab in the middle of my body?! this moment...I can truthfully say I have reached the point that I. Am. Comfortable. In. My. Skin.  Not because I feel skinny and sexy and beautiful; but because I have embraced the fact that my body has been so well used.  It was not created to sit on the shelf & look pretty.  It was created to work hard, to age; to produce life!  If I can't be comfortable with that amazing fact than I don't know what I can be comfortable with.  My desire going forward is not to diet and lose this baby weight, but to purposefully pursue being healthy and therefore being satisfied with that choice and the way I look.

My daughter...My favorite thing about being the mother of a bright-eyed little girl is watching her language develop.  She is such a conversationalist and her and I make sure we get our however-many-words-they-say-a-woman-speaks-in-a-day in.  My Mom said to me about a year ago that soon I would have to ask Carly if she would stop talking so I could talk to daddy now.  That happened for the first time this week.  She loves to tell us about her day and can shockingly recall most occurrences and put words to them.  I had a short interview with her today and although her answers were wrong for the most part, they're also so cute:

What color are mommy's eyes?  Brown (they're blue...)
What color is mommy's hair? Pink (really?)
Who does mommy love? Carly (yes...she got that one right)
What does mommy like to eat? Brush teeth (again...huh?)
What do I say to you at bedtime before kissing you goodnight?  Animals. (Aaa-mals) (Yes, she does sleep with a bazillion animals at night and yes we do lay her in bed with all of them...but I'm pretty sure I don't ever utter the actual word, "animal.")

I appreciate her ability to follow directions and be independant when I need her to be.  She behaves beautifully in public and is truly a help to me when she deems it important. ;-)

My son...I am head over heels for this a different way than I am for Carly.  He brings me so so so much joy and fulfills all my needs for cuddling.  He smiles for me probably more than anyone else and relaxes when placed in my arms from someone else's; including his daddy's.  My favorite part of mothering this little boy right now is watching his personality come out.  He has a natural soft-like sweetness to him that Carly has never had.  I appreciate his ability to be flexible and go with the flow so much of the time!

An ode to the one i think of on mother's day...My mom is someone I've always admired & respected.  Her every life decision has impacted me one way or another more so than anyone else.  I married an even-tempered man to accompany my strong-will because she did.  I want to pay my house off as fast as I can because she did.  I want three kids because she had three kids (ok...I actually want four...but I'll probably have three).  I work part time because she worked part time.  I pray on my knees because she prayed on her knees.  I could go on.  We have had more conversations together about life lessons that I've had with anyone else on the face of the planet and bottom line she succeeded at teaching me to always keep my priorities in line.  I hope Carly loves me, especially during those hard teenage years, as much as I loved (and do love) her.   

This past week I was chatting with my boss' boss about life & kids & work and mentioned that I wish I could give more to work, go full-time, build my career, etc.  His response was so genuine and approving. He said, "You know, Tricia, I don't think anyone gets to the end of their life and wishes they would have spent less time with their kids."  He's right.  And today, I am blessed beyond what I could have ever imagined at how wonderful it is to have the privilege of being chosen by a faithful God to be the mother to Carly & Luke.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Project 365: {Days 118-124}

Day 118: Carly singing "Let It Go" while running around on the porch during a thunderstorm.

Day 119: Luke is pretty lucky he gets to see these little boys every week...he just doesn't know it yet! ;)

Day 120: Goodbyes to Nana. :(

Day 121: Family selfie taken at Typhoon Lagoon!

Day 122: Bapa arrives!

Day 123: Brian told Carly that as soon as mama got home from work that she could have some ice cream.  She greeted me on the porch & said, "I love you so cream!!"  So...we had some ice cream.

Day 124: Just swinging on a white sandy beach in perfect 75 degree big deal. ;)