Monday, July 20, 2015

"Feelin' Hot, Hot, Hot!"

Thee Official Guide
How-to-do Summer in Florida: 
Weiss Style

We've lived in Florida 5 years!  5 YEARS!  Listen, people...I really didn't even think we'd make it a full year here.  Funny how God reveals His plan to your heart only in ways you can understand it and with timing you can absorb it.  Although the past few years have been FILLED with amazing milestones, special friends, new homes, little running feet and many days feeling like we were on vacation, those of you who keep up with me know that I can't stand the heat.  Every April as it warms up I dread that I have to spend THEE NEXT 6 MONTHS sweating.  Yes, by my calculations, we've spent just shy of 1,000 DAYS of our life DRENCHED.  You'd think I'd be super skinny with all the water weight I lose each day. ;)

So...after some serious heart-searching, I decided that Florida Summer 2015 was going to be DIFFERENT! It was my first full summer in Florida NOT pregnant or nursing (it's really no fun when you take a hold of your baby's food supply for a feeding and it slips out of your hand....).  So, here is my ultimate guide to withstanding loving our Florida Summers.

1. Fresh Fruit

I think in years past, fresh fruit meant too many stops at the grocery store, too much cutting & chopping and too much of a mess with babes.  But...I've found that the return on the investment of standing in the kitchen cutting up a watermelon is huge.  Plus...I've become way better at slicing & dicing most fruits through practice.  We are one month into the official "summer" and my family has been through 5 pineapple, 8 watermelon & endless tubs of strawberries, cherries & grapes.  OH...and MANGO! I have lost count of how many of those slippery suckers I've chopped up.

2. OJ Popsicles

The kiddos love popsicles and this is my "healthy" way of doing them.  They are so messy & so we try to time them right before a bath. ;) Nevertheless, its a treat that makes being outdoors fun.

3. Shade

It's a good 10 degrees cooler in the we try to spend a lot of time there.  One thing I've never done before that I began doing this summer was using an umbrella.  Yeah, I'm that girl.

4. Swimming

Although it seems like a big ordeal to get loaded up for pool time, I'm becoming increasingly better at choosing snacks & packing quickly to get out the door.  Wet clothes get hung in the back yard upon our return, and if we only stay a half hour at the pool, it was still fun anyway.  You've gotta love all things water to survive the Florida heat.

5. Splash Pads

I thought first about just classifying "WATER" as a summer must-have, but it's so important it essentially became two points.  On days I just cant bare to be covered in chlorine, we choose the splash pad!  I am also getting good at remembering a change of clothes for the kids that I keep in the car at all times...and Carly is excellent at getting dressed & undressed without flashing anyone.  I also keep buckets & clean towels in the trunk & sunblock in every bag.  You just never know when you're going to end up getting wet!

6. Waterproof Mascara

I really dislike waterproof mascara, but I thought it would be a motivator for wearing make-up this summer.  It's worked quite well, actually!  Doesn't really give the lashes their full length potential but that's really okay. ;)

7. Updated Wardrobe--swim, casual & running

I bought a few new swimsuits and focused on cute, breath-able tops to wear with my pre-pregnancy shorts that finally fit! OH WAIT....there's no way this 27-year-old mother of two can wear the short, shorts she wore at age 22.  Geesh...I bought new shorts. ;)  AND...updated my work-out wardrobe to be in the category of "fit" instead of "frumpy."  All the improvements have helped me feel cute when sweaty.

8. Hair

Have I mentioned how much I love Pinterest?!  I have been obsessed with up-dos this summer and have Pinterest to thank for it! When the crown twist & every braid under the sun came back into style, you can bet this girl cheered!  I get more comments about how "cute" I look when my hair is up...and that is a first!!  "Work that up-do....own that pony tail!" ;)

9. Blinds

We bit the bullet and invested in battery operated blinds for our un-reachable windows.  It drained our "disposable income bank" but so far it's saved about $80/month in electric costs.

10. Positive Attitude

Ultimately, the key to not complaining about the heat has been to have a positive attitude.  I shouldn't complain about anything, period, and especially about living in the "tropics."  When sweat is running down my back as I walk 3/4 of a mile into work, I just smile to myself and say, "You signed up to embrace the heat this year!"

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