Sunday, April 21, 2013

"This Girl Is On Fire" {14 Months}

Oh my, my I am so happy to be sitting down to write about my sweet baby girl, who has already reached her 14 month mark.  I can't really say anymore, "oh, she just turned one..." because it was over two months ago!  She is rapidly changing into a very fun little toddler and I must say, I just can't believe how much love my heart can hold.  I think I fall more in love with Carly on a daily basis and am questioning if I will ever love another human being as much as I love her.  Don't get me wrong, I love my husband, but he's not hear as CUTE or as cuddly (no offense, Brian...but I doubt you expected to compete with her).  I also frequently find myself thinking, I can't believe my parents love me this much...and then follow that thought with...I can't believe Brian's parents love him this much.  I'm surprised our parents even allowed for us to move out of the house, let alone across the country!  I will most certainly never let Carly leave me! ;)

Speaking of being attached, her and I have re-invented the meaning of the word, "attached-at-the-hip."  I don't think either of us enjoys being in separate rooms at any point during the day and we are frequently attached to one another in some way.  Even if we are both doing something different, we will tend to snatch a quick hug and then return to our activity.  I'm just as attached to her as she is to me.  I resorted to crying again this week when I left her for work, but quickly recovered.  I closed this past week so I was extra tired, which always means more tears for this mama.  It's okay, you can laugh, I'm a bit ridiculous.

Carly is a sweet little doll who is as beautiful as always.  She's so playful, smiley and all around a happy kid.  Here's my favorite picture from her 14-month shoot.

And here's a run-down of her skill set:
  • Frequently practices walking backwards, side to side, in circles and running
  • Can say: Mama, Mommy, Dada, Daddy, Carly ("daduh"), banana (nana), yes, ya, no (although would rather shake her head), all-done, this, achy, and up (kind of)
  • Uses multiple gestures, particularly when asking a question, declaring that she is all done or is hungry (she uses the sign, "more please," as dual meaning for "I'm hungry")
  • Loves to throw her hands up in the air when asked, "how big are you," "how much do I love you," or "Amen!" and will grin really big when asked right before announcing her answer
  • Understands nearly all things spoken to her, but particularly reacts to the phrases, go outside, change your diaper, take a bath, are you hungry, would you like to take a nap/go to bed, love monkey, there's a puppy, where's your bow, and here's your paci.
  • Each day we have music time and she is beginning to match pitch (I've gotta get that on film since you probably don't believe me)
  • Leaves the room to poop
  • Loves to explore her surroundings, particularly when we enter a new house, and is astonishingly aware of her surroundings
  • Is obsessed with water
  • Enjoys being outside more than any other activity...we go outside at least three times/day for about an hour!  She has a little pool and a swing to play on in the back yard as of this week. :)
  • She always shares her food
  • She has taken a liking to reading herself books
  • Asks frequent all the time
  • LOVES puppies...each morning we go for a jog and her reward for sitting in her stroller is to go puppy which we generally find at least one. :)
  • Loves the phrase..."Oooooooo"
  • Points to her ear when asked where her nose is 100% of the time, but can correctly identify her mouth
  • Giggles with complete delight when she sees a tower of blocks to knock over
  • Eats a smoothie every afternoon
  • Prefers chocolate (particularly M&Ms) over any other source of food
  • Loves to watch TV (I'm not a fan at all of that stupid thing) and has learned how to turn it on with remote or at the box all by herself!  We actually don't let her watch TV ever, but do let her watch a DVD called, Praise Baby, that plays worship music while scrolling images and clips of babies walking, children playing peek-a-boo, etc.  I've deemed that time our devotional time, and I'll generally read my Bible while she stands at the TV, or we will just snuggle on the couch and talk about the images.
  • Shows favoritism to all of her stuffed animals, but particularly her monkey and a little pink teddy bear
  • Escorts us into her room at night when she is ready for bed and takes both naps and bedtime very well, going down without tears 98% of the time.
  • And the best for last...has TWO teeth, yes TWO, that decided to show their sharp edges the past few days and one more that will arrive any day now.  That will bring her total to 3, sporting the two middle bottom ones and a fang tooth to the right of her front ones.  Her first one that came in was this random upper tooth that we would have never noticed had she not decided to take a bite out of my shoulder the day before she turned 14 months old.  I'm very glad to know she does, in fact, have teeth. ;)
Carly continues to take two naps/day, and goes down around 10:30am and 4pm, with bedtime at 8:45pm.  She sleeps a consistent 10 hours/night (which actually isn't very much for a toddler, but that's okay) and her naps usually equal about 2 1/2 hours/day, totaling out her sleep to 13 hours in a 24-hour period, tops (which also isn't very much compared to the recommended 15). I love her schedule, especially being that it allows for a good amount of time for an afternoon trip each day.  We also never made her adjust to daylight savings time, which is why her bedtime is so late.  I really like her later bedtime as twice a week I usually work a 10am-7:30pm shift, so a later bedtime gives me a chance to play with her for a bit when I get home.

Carly's diet mostly consists of eggs, fruits, veggies, a grain (usually rice), yogurt, animal crackers & water, but she'll try anything we give her.  Sometimes she LOVES what we are having for dinner, other times shakes her head no, in which case our go-to is a bowl of peas, sometimes adding black beans and rice.  She is still nursing twice/day and I sneak a lot of milk into her fruit/spinach smoothies each day, which is how she receives most of her vitamins.  Now that she has teeth, I will be introducing gummy vitamins, as well.  I don't think she will ever stop nursing as this point in time, but those woes are for another post (I'm not actually concerned, as I also still really enjoy that time).

That pretty well describes our Carly, along with a few stories I shared last week.  If you haven't guessed, I think she's pretty great. :)

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