Monday, October 28, 2013

"You Are Beautiful No Matter What They Say"

I can't believe we were in Iowa almost a month ago!  When we returned we got some nasty colds, followed by a week of the stomach bug.  It was nast-y!  Carly had a temp of over 102 and was dispersing her bodily fluids all over the place and just wanted to be held.  Brian & I knew we were bound and determined to get it, so we made a trip to the store that night to get 7-Up, Gatorade & soup.  Good thing we did...because the next few days were quite miserable.  You know what I learned, though?  Having the stomach bug when you're pregnant is pretty similar (dare I say easier) than the first trimester nausea.  I'm glad I can officially say just how bad my nausea is during the first 3 months. It's every bit as bad as the flu.  But...that also mean't I could tough it guess what pregnant mama went to work about 12 hours after my last "episode?"  This mama.  I didn't think I was contagious anymore and I had a party I was in charge of putting it was off to work I went!  Our babysitter came to the house to watch Carly while Brian got to spend the day recovering in our bedroom.  His flu came on 12 hours after he was still in pretty bad shape when I left for work.  I'll never forget crawling around on the floor putting on my make up and Brian saying, "are you really going to work?"  But... we made it through just in time to enjoy the beautiful 60s and 70 degree days! read that right...fall is finally, finally here.  We have had our air conditioning off for about 3 days now and if feels so wonderful to have fresh air running through the house.  The temp is bound to get back up into the 80s before we are really home free, but this week has been a "breath of fresh air."  I entered my third trimester last week and got approval from my doctor to continue running as long as I wear a belly brace!  YAY!  She encouraged me that exercise is so healthy during pregnancy and to continue doing so.  I need to start doing squats and more light lifting if I'm going to labor the way I intend to...but I am lacking motivation in that part.  I also need to eat healthier.  I remember very clearly having significant sweet cravings during my last trimester with Carly and I put on over 30 pounds in those last 12 weeks (making my total weight gain 65 pounds).  So far I've only gained you think I can stay at my goal of 30 pounds total and only gain one more pound/week from here on out?  I doubt it...but I do think I can stay under 40.  I think I've baked every day this week...I seriously need to stop that!

Speaking of pregnancy, I thought I'd reflect on this pregnancy for a moment...that is before I get so uncomfortable that I forget it was ever a positive experience.  Ah, I'm just kidding.  I am so blessed to be able to carry and even though there are A LOT of nasty things that come along with carrying a baby, I don't think any of them can overshadow the fact that my body is capable of forming a human being.  Luke is every bit as active as Carly was, and I appreciate every little movement.  I lay in bed feeling him move all around and use that time for prayer and thanksgiving.  I don't mind that he keeps me up or that I can't sit up on my own anymore...or that rolling over in bed is like a great migration.  It's just a special moment that only I get to experience.  Definitely thankful.

I'm also beautiful.  This is a BIG deal for me to say.  But really, I've come to the realization that pregnancy is a beautiful thing for so many reasons, and my body is beautiful during this time.  Yes I feel big, yes I am excited to be thin again, but I'm pretty comfortable in my skin this time around.  Obviously only putting on 18 pounds at this point rather than 35 is a pretty major factor in feeling pretty, but my mindset is also quite different than it was when I was carrying Carly.  I feel feminine, empowered and beautiful. It shocks me that my body can so successfully grow and stretch to accommodate a growing baby.  It's a treasure to be had, and I'm thankful I've matured to a point that I can say that and feel confident in the way I am carrying.  Our bodies our temples to begin with, uniquely designed by God's hand, but I look at myself in the mirror these days and think nothing but thoughts of how precious my body is during this period of life.  Praise God for molding me into the woman I am today....both inside and out. 

I think belly pics in general are a bit awkward, but I snapped this today while we were playing on the porch and decided it was beautiful enough to share. :)

I get lots of comments at work, but this time most of them are kind rather than discouraging.  I need to get out that top 10 list I sent my friends & family when I was pregnant with Carly to see if I've experienced any of those comments again.  Everyone has their opinion...whether I'm carrying too big, too small or just perfect.  It depends mostly on what I wear and the stature of the person talking to me.  You wouldn't believe how many women who are a good 5 inches shorter than I will comment that I look big.  Why yes, I am a much larger person than you in general. ;) All in all, not a day goes by at work that someone doesn't tell me that I look beautiful.  In fact, not a day goes by at all....because when I'm home Brian makes sure to tell me the same thing.  He's thanked me quite a bit for carrying his son.  I'm looking forward to them meeting one another. :) 

I'll have to write more about fall and the festivities we've been able to take part in the past week another time, but here's a few photos of Carly in one of the first days of her wearing long sleeves in Florida!

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