Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Project 365: {Days 335-341}

Day 335: Our favorite thing to do during Luke's morning nap! ;)

Day 336: Madelynn & Harper came for lunch and play time!

Day 337: Out & about with Uncle Dick & Aunt Crystal! Why we didn't all jump in this picture I am not real sure.  Actually...fun fact: we generally only pose for a photo because that's the social expectation.  We have millions of photos with characters and actually do not need any more...we merely meet them so Carly can hang out with her friends. ;)

Day 338:  Luke loves how the tooth brush feels on those teeth and also finds great pride in the ability to hand me things.  He then always asks for them back. :)

Day 339: The first parking garage at DTD is done!  Here is the view before my trek into work.  (Disclaimer: I am sorry there is under-representation of Brian photos on this blog...but he doesn't seem to want to take selfies and send them to me so he can be incorporated... ;) hehe)

Day 440:  Luke LOVES seeing how fast he can make it up the stairs. Only problem? He gets stuck at the top!  Carly has been working really hard with him on how to go down back wards and we certainly celebrate when we does so, but he frequently ends up sitting at the top of the stairs crying.  In this particular photo he had confidence to lunge for it because I was sitting right there. Normally he doesn't dare!

Day 441: All pretty for church! Ha--can you tell due to Luke's stair obsession we spend a lot of time there?  3 of our 7 photos this week were taken on or near the steps. How boring is that?!?!

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