Thursday, February 5, 2015

"The King I See Inside" {Luke 1 Year}

We are so excited to celebrate Luke turning ONE! He is now officially a toddler who possesses so many of the traits that come along with that special title.  As I think about how to encompass who he is at 12 months old, the first thing that comes to mind is the challenge we have before us in shaping this little lad's world view; and shepherding his sweet heart.  He's sweet and loyal and naughty and funny and seeks thrill.  He's strong willed and demands his wants be met with all of his heart.  He has a determined little heart and loves his mama more than anything else in the world.  He has the best sense of humor I've ever met in a little one and I'm certain he will be the charmer of the party for most of his life.  He's so stinkin' stubborn (I thought Carly was bad until I met Luke!) and not at all sensitive.  We love Luke.  I cant think of a more perfect addition to our family and a more compatible brother for Carly.

What else can I say...

  • He demands to be in my arms any time I am in sight and refuses to be held by anyone else!  He follows me around the house crying most of the time until I pick him up and let him hang out on my hip while I do whatever chore I am attempting.  I am ready, and I mean ready, for him to begin walking.  He's so close.  Loves to stand all day long but doesn't want to take a step.  Listen folks; Luke is like his Bapa: he is going to do what he wants to do when he wants to do it and not a minute before.
  • He is so so snuggly!  Truthfully his sweet snuggles makes up for the annoyance of him crying at my ankles all day.  Some mornings he will lay in bed with me for an hour dozing in and out.  He loves hugs and kisses and tight squeezes and loves them most from me. :)
  • He will put up with any physical touch from Carly except when she tackles him and lays on top of him for too long.  Her picking him up by the neck doesn't phase him at all. ;)
  • He loves all things dangerous--all things.
  • He is still really into balls
  • He adores being outside and seeks to find water! This summer at the pool will be fun...and dangerous/stressful.
  • Enjoys a nice ride in the car or the stroller
  • Is so stubborn about getting is diaper changed.  It's SO hard to change him.
  • Can't sit still through a book
  • Enjoys taking things off a of shelves, out of drawers and cupboards and opening and closing doors.
  • LOVES playing the piano
  • Claps his hands like its nobody's business
  • Has the cutest nose crinkle!
  • Can go up and down the stairs in a hurry and has NEVER wiped out.
  • Finds the washer machine fascinating 
  • Loves toys that light up
  • Can stand up and reach the handle on the back door...if we leave it unlocked its SEE YA LATER!
  • Enjoys climbing up slides
  • Is a social butterfly and is so so happy when friends are around.

Food: Milk. He will drink a bottle of milk over food at any time.  He does really seem to be into black beans & broccoli right now as well. He also prefers beef over any other meat.
Activity: It's a tie between digging in dirt and taking a bath
Toy: Whatever Carly is playing with or whatever he has been told he cannot play with
Friend: Kwannet.  He loves Kwannet & her daughter Sinclair.  They are the only people he will go to when I am around.
Words: Ut Oh & Dada

Luke is a champ at falling asleep but still struggles with staying asleep a few times/week.  He began consistently sleeping through the night (like 4 out of 7 nights a week) at 11 1/2 months (right when we finished weaning) and his parents feel much more rested because of it!  He takes two naps usually totaling 3 hours but it's always a bit uncertain what the duration of the individual naps will be.

He weighs 23 pounds (50 percentile) and is 31 inches tall (75 percentile) and wears 18 months clothing in most cases.

I called my Mom the other day to tell her about an experience I had with Luke this week.  Every time we go into the back yard he goes straight for the concrete stairs that lead up to the apartment; throwing his head over the shoulder with that smirk on his face.  I think last week he was put in time out three times in a row before choosing to make a good decision.  The point of the story is: I came into the house to prepare lunch and allowed the kids to stay outside.  I saw him head over to the steps and stood watching to see what he would do.  He did not know I could see him and when he arrived at the stairs he looked up at them and...crawled away! He didn't care to climb them because the joke wasn't fun without the enforcer standing by!  This is the epitome of Luke right now.  He desires all things dangerous and off limits and finds it thrilling to disobey.  Brian and I were talking that we need some parenting courses for this kid because we know he's the type that's going to end up spending most of elementary school in the principals office!! Boy, oh, boy! ;)

Happy Birthday to our Big Boy!  We are so grateful God chose US as your parents and we are so thrilled to walk through life with you! Praying a blessing of safety & health as you head into your second year of life and seeking the Lord's guidance in shepherding your little heart & mind.

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