Sunday, March 1, 2015

"I Just Want to Celebrate"

Who knew that having 3 of 4 birthdays in the family all within a month would create such wonderful chaos! I thought December was exciting and busy...looks like January will always be as well!  Here are all the birthdays we've celebrated this year (And if Carley & Meg would have been here they would have been celebrated, too! I love that I am essentially the exact same age as 3 of me dearest friends!)!


Chris & Nikki came to Florida to see us mid-January! Have I blogged about that yet? Oh wait...I haven't done much writing this year! Good thing Project 365 is over!  Anyway...Carly & I had so much fun making Nikki's cake...and eating it, too!


Little guy turned one, in case you missed that. ;)  Thank you, thank you to everyone who sent gifts.  He {and me} felt so loved!  We celebrated him for weeks on end.  First was an attempted smash cake on the lawn outside our clubhouse.....

....He hated it.

This is how his cake smash really went...

Next up was a full day at Magic Kingdom with Chris, Nikki & Cooper!  I love birthdays and all day long I kept giving him big squeezes, nose rubs and smooches!  He had a great day and was well celebrated with a DELICIOUS meal at Liberty Tree Tavern...

....We are pretty sure his favorite part of the day was having chocolate milk in his bottle. ;)

And he was celebrated the next night at Boma...


My birthday was made EXTRA special by a surprise celebration with some friends.  I felt so loved. Have I ever mentioned that I love surprises?? :)

Brian & the kids made me crepes for breakfast (my fav!) then took me to the Boardwalk and all the way around the World Showcase in EPCOT.  I got this lovely photo by some flowers...

...and enjoyed my two favorite EPCOT treats, Strawberry Oolong Tea Slush from China & School Bread from Norway.

I'm so thankful for these three people!


Guess how this lady celebrated turning....42 (53...I think)?! She was loving on my children so Brian and I could cruise around the Bahamas! She said she forgot it was her birthday until that afternoon when she saw the date! Don't worry though...we had a special meal and dessert prepared for her and we celebrated prior to the cruise.  I do, however, think she was a bit over shadowed by the kids' birthday party which happened next day...


We found out at Christmas that opening too many presents at once is overwhelming and just doesn't make sense to little Miss C.  I mean, really, why not just open one present each day leading up to your birthday?!  18 presents in 18 days is what she to mention the gifts she opened at her birthday party.  Thank you so those who sent gifts...they were a part of the one gift a day extravaganza!

Legos from cousin Cora

Lollipop from nanny Jen

Princesses & Play doh from a variety of people!
Between princess dolls, pretty dresses, candy, play activities, books and PLAY DOH this girl never ceases her playing!

February 18th we spent the morning at EPCOT...

Daddy took Luke for a snooze so we could have some girl time--here we are in our shell while enjoying the Finding Nemo attraction.

Carly running through the park singing, "Let it Go"

First time for "Ugg" boots in Florida! It was a cool temperature but a warm sun...making for a perfect day.

Lunch eating her favorite food--pizza...and ice cream...

And the evening was spent at Puggles, our Wednesday night programming at church where Brian & I have been teaching Carly's class since September.  Carly LOVES Puggles and never goes a day without asking if it's "time to go to Puggles soon."  So really there was nothing more fitting to celebrate her birthday than at Puggles with some of her favorite friends.  When we asked her what she wanted to do for her birthday: "Wear my Queen Elsa dress and my "C" necklace to PUGGLES!" And that's exactly what we did.

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