Saturday, July 14, 2012

"Rolling, Rolling, Rolling On The River"

Just wanted to get a quick post in about our weekend together.  We've tried to stay home for the most part to help Carly with her sleep, so we've done a lot of being in the house. We've watched some TV on DVD, baked cookies as a family, gone for walks, worked in the yard, had Todd & Brenna over for dinner, and did escape the house one evening for a fun dinner at Sonny's BBQ.  We love that restaurant...Iowa should consider opening a few of those!  We also went to Lowes and picked out some edging and mulch for the front yard.  Brian has been doing a nice job slowly putting money into making our outside look as homey as our inside!  Someday we will have lots of grass for Carly to play in.  Until then we just have patches of it.  It was so Carly and I were watching Daddy dig around the tree to put in the edging, our neighbor Felix came out with his shovel and started digging, too!  He always comes out to say hello when we are in the yard!

I think the most exciting thing of the week is that Carly can now roll from front to back AND from back to front.  One moment she is facing East and the next moment West.  She rolls and scoots so you never know where she is going to end up.  She certainly isn't mobile...I don't want to make it sound that way...but she does get herself in some funny situations.  She can't always get the job done yet, but she is becoming fairly consistent.  I will note that she does not like sleeping on her back, however, so when she rolls over in her sleep she usually calls for us to come flip her back.  She'll get there!  We cut her some slack since she just started rolling from her back to her tummy this week! ;)

The other highlight from this week was getting out to go visit Daddy at work!  Tren-D (one of the stores I manage at DTD) was putting on a HUGE designer bag event, so I felt like I needed to make an appearance.  After all, my boss, his boss AND my boss' boss were all there on a Saturday!  So after the event we picked up some sub sandwiches and headed to Coronado Springs.  Brian's housekeepers were THRILLED to see Carly and almost every single one of them said, "Oh , she looks just like her Daddy!"  We also got to eat lunch with his staff, so it was fun to chat with them for a bit and observe the dynamics of his team.  This photo is of one of Brian's housekeepers.  When she saw us walking down the hall with Carly she came running out and scooped her right out of my arms!  So precious!

Well tomorrow is back to work for me.  We don't have a babysitter who has committed yet and I've asked probably 7 different people.  I hope someone says yes or I will have to be late!  After I get done with my work week my baby will be 5 months old!  Craziness!

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