Saturday, July 28, 2012

"A Bushel and a Peck and a Hug Around the Neck"

Cora is here!  Carly's only first cousin, Cora!  She's been very excited to see her and from the looks of it Cora has been very excited to see Baby Carly, as she will here forth be known as. Cora is the daughter of Brian's brother, Aaron, and our sister-in-law, Kelly.  They arrived late Thursday night to their resort on Disney property.  It's so nice!  It would sleep 8 fairly comfortably and has awesome views, fun walking paths and great pools.  We were jealous that we had to come back to our place that night! ;)

Carly was a bit overwhelmed by the chaos of love that she was receiving and it was getting close to bedtime, so the first encounter didn't go quite as hoped, but Carly was ready to play the next day as we all went to Animal Kingdom!  Cora loves animals, and she was thrilled to be going to the zoo. The highlights were the safari and the Lion King show.  The first picture was a quick snap right before getting on the safari and the second picture is at lunch. :)

Aaron, Kelly and Cora have all been giving Carly lots of hugs and kisses.  It melted my heart yesterday at the end of the Lion King show when Cora came over and puckered up.  I leaned Carly into her and Kelly helped Cora get a smooch in.  Then Kel said, "She's fun to kiss, isn't she?" to which Cora nodded her head and smiled.  Cora loves to hold her Baby Carly.  The girls have matching blankets that say their name on them so we had the girls snuggle up on the couch with their blankets.  Here is the progression from successfully getting a picture to the tumble over.  So sweet! Carly doesn't really know what to think about all the cameras, but she will learn.  If only she would have looked at me for the second snap it would have been a perfect photo! (We didn't even plan the matching outfits to the blankets!) :)

After Animal Kingdom we all got some rest in and then headed to Sonny's BBQ for dinner and back to watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics.  I thought they were fantastic...strange, but really neat to watch.  I, of course, stayed up and watched the whole thing while Brian snoozed.

When Cora first walked into our house, she saw Carly's little set up with all her toys and blanket and immediately thought it looked like fun!  She was so good at helping Carly play with her toys! 

 Here is Carly with her Uncle Aaron, Aunt Kelly and cousin, Cora. 

We still have three more days with them!  Tonight we are going to explore DTD, tomorrow go to Magic Kingdom and perhaps take a dip in the pool and Monday is EPCOT.  We're so glad they are here!!

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