Wednesday, August 1, 2012

"She Wore an Itsy Bitsy, Teeny Weeny, Yellow Polka-Dot Bikini"

Sunday was Carly's first time in the swimming pool!  She wore a cute little cherry swimsuit that Cora wore when she was a baby.  Seemed appropriate as we were swimming in the Saratoga Springs Pool that Cora was staying at!

So I guess she wasn't wearing a yellow polka-dot bikini, but it was a teeny weeny swimsuit! :) 

Saturday evening we spent time at DTD, where we shopped and ate at Raglan Road.  The Irish Pub has become one of mine and Brian's favorite restaurants and we intend to try as many things on the menu as we can! Delicious!

 During our dinner, some dancers came and asked Cora & Carly to dance with them.  Here is a cute sequence of the kiddos dancing:

You will notice in the photos that Carly has her paci in her mouth.  When she was born I was adamant about her not having a pacifier.  However, she would scream every time we put her in the car, and sucking on the paci seemed to help.  Then we started using if for sleeping and now she is fairly dependent on it to fall asleep.  Totally bums me out, but what can ya do?   She was so sleepy and we only give her the paci when she is sleepy...this photo was taken 2 minutes after she was finished dancing.

Each month I try to capture us as a family.  I am pleased with our 5-month family shot we got by the lake!  It's fun month by month to watch Carly grow and me shrink!! I've got 52 pounds down and 13 more to go!

Sunday evening Brian and Carly hung out while I went to work.  Since they were staying at the resort just minutes from DTD, I was able to run over there during my lunch.  After I arrived Carly started screaming.  She wasn't hungry, wasn't was her pain cry and nothing would comfort her.  I let her eat a little more while I was there but after she was done she was still hurting.  Kelly said we should try giving her an ice cube in a rag because her pain might be from teething...and Carly loved it.  She immediately starting biting we pretty much assume she is teething!  Good job, Kel!

Monday morning we met them at EPCOT and had fun exploring before heading to Norway to eat lunch with the princesses!  This was actually a first for us, as we had never eaten at a character meal before.  So fun!

Cora said her favorite princess was Snow White, then later changed her mind to Belle.  Either way...she got in on a very very special meal that many little girls don't get to do when they come.  Her Grammy was kind enough to treat us all to this very special Princess Banquet!  I just realized that this was a first that the girls shared together, too!

While we were eating, Carly got fussy (which I don't blame her for...the two things Carly dislikes most are dark rooms and sitting down) and an ice cube in a napkin wasn't cutting it, so we decided to give her her first taste of food!  It was a spontaneous decision based on the one piece of honeydew melon I had left on my plate...but I must say she thoroughly enjoyed it!  She ate half the piece!  Another big milestone for our little girl.  We won't start her on solids for a little while yet, but we will always remember her first food was a honeydew melon. :)

Don't you love those eyes?  Those and her smile make her the cutest baby I've ever seen! ;) 

After lunch we headed to Soarin' and Brian, Cora, Carly & I rode Living with the Land.  Cora held Carly for a portion of the ride.  I asked her if she wanted to hold Carly and she looked up at me and said "Yes!" in a tone that said, "duh-of course I do!"  She is a delight to be around.  Brian and I could have listened to her talk about how "Cora's Dad likes plants near Cora's house in Chicago" all day long!

We had a wonderful time catching up with Aaron, Kel & Cora (and Cora's Grammy) while they were here.  I hope they come again soon!  Maybe next time we can snatch a photo of both girls smiling at the same time. ;) Or maybe it will be a good 4-5 years before that happens!

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