Tuesday, January 8, 2013

"Oh, Dear, What Can the Matter Be?"

I suppose I should pick up where I left off...almost one week ago.  After my parents left, we entered a tough 5-day stretch.  I suppose it wasn't the greatest way to start off 2013, but I'm not in the least bit superstitious, so it didn't really matter.  I was really dealing with the difficulty of saying goodbye, knowing I wouldn't see three of the four of them again for over 2 months, which brought to the surface the 5 main reasons I don't always like living here, which caused many tears all throughout the week.  I think it's weird to cry in front of Carly, so I saved my tears for drive time and bed time.  I went into this monologue with Brian about yet again why I don't want to be working and just cried for a good 45 minutes on Wednesday night.  I really don't know what my problem is...I love my job and it is absolutely the best arrangement God could have laid in our laps for this period of our life.  You see, I am a very rational person, so my mind is usually very good at trumping my heart, but when I feel hurt or sad my heart just stomps all over my mind.  I just want to be with Carly all the time...and leaving her sucks.  There are very few weeks that I don't cry on my way to work.  It's ridiculous, really, but sometimes you can't fight it.  I certainly want to move to our soon-to-be-hop-to-be-house, but I think I'm scared its not going to let me have the flexibility to step down from my job if need be. 

I wasn't the only basket case in the house last week, as our little Carly wasn't feeling super great, either.  Wednesday she was hit hard with who knows what, but by Thursday afternoon she was happy as a clam. It was the strangest thing.  She had a fever of 101.1, a stuffy nose, was tugging at both her ears, wouldn't eat and slept most of the day.  For the first time in her life, she actually crawled up to me and just laid down on my lap and snuggled.  Thursday Brian was going to take her to the doctor while I worked, but by the time he was ready to go she seemed totally and completely normal. So then, of course, we tossed it up to teething (yes, she is 10 and a half months old and has no teeth), but those pearlys are still pretty deep in those gums.

Carly has also become quite the pro at tantrums.  I think they are hilarious, but Brian is totally bothered anytime she lets out a squeal and will immediately start entertaining her with every trick up his sleeve.  He calls it re-direction, I just call it being scared of tears. ;)  She really doesn't cry much anymore, she's gotten pretty good at communicating her needs, but if we take something away, try to clean her up from a meal, change her diaper, leave her with a stranger, etc, etc, she flips.  I am looking forward to seeing what these become and am ready for the challenge of working with my strong willed child.  My niece is also very strong willed, and I've enjoyed observing and learning from the ways her parents work with her.  I think it's a total blessing to have a strong willed kid, because if directed in the right way and nurtured well, a strong willed person can have a big affect in the world.

This week's mood had a quick change late in the week and has been great ever since.  I had a very good meeting with my boss and am going to get to be a part of a lot of great things happening over the next year. the Disney Company has launched some state of the art technology in a project called Next Generation Experience (NGE) and are in the opening phases of rolling NGE out within parks and resorts.  I am fairly certain every facet of the Resort will be affected by NGE, which means there will be cool changes at Downtown Disney.  It's still super top secret, so I can only mention what has been made public, and I really don't even know that much about it, but it excites me to think of what we get to be apart of over the next several years.

Carly also got some new toys that she is absolutely in love with!  Apparently the season of gifts might just continue on through her birthday...goodness gracious!  One was an activity walker from one of Brian's Cast Members and the other a little scooter from our neighbors across the street, who have showered Carly with gifts all year long.  She is so, so proud of herself that she can push that walker through the house and looks like such a big girl sitting her on scooter!

Yesterday I had the most delightful lunch with Brenna at the Grand Floridian Cafe and Carly got SO much attention.  At one point the manager even came over and said, "I just have to meet this cute and smiley baby that everyone is talking about in the kitchen!"  After lunch we took a walk to the Polynesian where Carly was enthralled with walking on a bench that overlooked a fountain.  Cruising and water...her two favorite things!  Brenna took some cool pics of her, so I'll have to share those once she sends them to me.  After our walk we got to spend about an hour socializing with Carly's great-uncle, Dick and great-aunt, Crystal in the lobby of the Grand.  They are coming over to our place for dinner this evening and then we are all going to EPCOT together tomorrow.  Sounds fun to me!

Well...I'd say that was a lot of words with not a lot of photos...so here's a little video that doesn't really tie into this blog...but shows what happens when mommy leaves the lid off the Cheerios container. ;)

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