Monday, January 21, 2013

"Today's Your Special Day"

I am officially one quarter of a century old.  I feel so old...NOT! I love that I'm still in my mid twenties and am enjoying life being a young mama, having a career and still being on this crazy Floridian adventure.  Here's what I was doing/looking like last year on my birthday!! HA!

Brian and I established this wonderful tradition a couple of years ago to spend an entire day celebrating whomever's birthday it is.  I have come to really love this tradition and I look forward to all the memories we will make as a family for the next several years.  I'm just brewing ideas for what we will do for Carly this year!  Anyway, since we are only off one day a week together, we have to celebrate each and every birthday on a Wednesday.  So that's exactly what we did!  On my special day, Brian got up with Carly and let me have some extra beauty rest, then had my little girl come wake me up with hugs and kisses.  He made his homemade pancakes and sausage and then it was off on a run for Carly and I and some mowing for him (running was totally part of the celebration...otherwise I spend all day feeling guilty). 

After some productivity, we headed out for lunch, making a quick stop at Old Navy where I got a super cute dress!  We ate at the restaurant we've been eating at on birthdays for nearly a decade: Macaroni Grill.  It did not disappoint!! In fact, they have changed their menu and it is even better than it has been in the past.  Carly was so good and we seriously had the most delightful meal out as a family that we have ever had!!

Next we went to visit our soon-to-be-hope-to-be-house and let Carly play on the playground in the neighborhood. It was her first time going down the slide all by herself!  She LOVED it!  What joy it brought us to watch her having such a thrilling first.

Then we were off to Magic Kingdom, because, why not?!  We just walked around and rode Brian's favorite ride, Buzz Lightyear!

We took the boat over to the Polynesian Resort to get some self-serve Dole Whip and walked along the beach until we found a hammock to watch the MK fireworks from.  We put Carly to bed right when we got home and you'd think the night would have come to an end...but it most certainly did not!  The ISU Men's Basketball team was playing that night so Brian and I enjoyed some popcorn while cuddling up on the couch to watch them win! 

And my absolute favorite picture of the day: our matching outfits! I went to her closet looking for something that would remotely match me and ended up finding almost the exact same thing!! :)

This weekend Brian's parents were in town, so we celebrated with them as well (that will receive it's own post, however) and today I am having lunch with a friend and then a play date with another.  I've been well tonight will be a perfect low key evening. 

One-quarter of a century. I wonder what the next 25 years will bring...