Wednesday, May 15, 2013

"Baby I'm Amazed By You'"

Here's an update and my favorite pics from the past few weeks...I'm not even sure which days were which this week, but I know I took quite a few pictures so I figure I should share them before they are completely out of date!  Here are the top highlights from the past few weeks that have not yet been blogged about:
  • Play Dates:  I know we had one at our home, one with Jenny and her kids at a park in Celebration, one with Carrie & Holden (9 months) at Typhoon Lagoon and one with a new friend, Elizabeth & her 17-month old, Erica at the Splash Pad, but of course I don't document everything on camera (despite popular opinion that I do).  I do, however, have some super great pics and video to share from our weekly venture to the water park!  Carly loves water I think more than life itself, so I was brave enough to take the iPod in the wave pool for some documentation.  Holden is still a little young to enjoy it the way Miss C does, but we love being with them.  I'll start with this cute pic of Carly trying to wake Holden up from a nap and then move on to the wave pool experience!

She's always freezing but wont get out!

  • Cirque du Soleil:  Brian had a team day last week which entailed lunch out, bowling at the new Splitsville in DTD & concluded with seeing this fabulous acrobat show.  I have no pictures, as it is illegal to use photography in the theater, but I do want to note that our little Miss sat on my lap the entire show.  Can you believe it?  Our little busy-body sat still (or stood on my legs while clapping profusely) and watched the performance.  She's a performance nut...melts my heart!  It was a very fun family activity and it was a blessing to get free tickets!!
  • Swinging:  A daily activity, here's some photos of her enjoying life:

So Big!

  • Pool time: If we are being honest, she looses interest in this rather fast, but can you blame her after watching the above video?

We are still learning not to bury our face in the water
  • Eating: Carly has been begging to feed herself using a spoon, so I caved a few weeks back.  She's been feeding herself for months and months, but I wouldn't let her do cereal, yogurt, etc. on her own because it's just so messy.  Anyway, I knew I had to let her start learning to use silverware sooner or later, so why not sooner?  A mess really isn't the end of the world. (I realize she is sitting on the counter here...but of course I didn't leave her side!)

Carly how did it get on your foot?

Guilty. ;)
I would say that is a very comprehensive report on what our day-to-day lives have entailed the past few weeks.  I'm sure we also did something very fun as a family last weekend, but I can't even remember back that far.  Oh well, must not have been too fun. ;)

I chose this song as my title today because these activities that we do we've been enjoying for months, but each and every week it is a different experience, as her understanding and her physical capabilities improve and as she becomes more comfortable with each activity due to practice.  It just amazes me that we can go to a water park and the next week she will be willing to try something new, or see the water in a different way.  When we first started going about a month ago, she didn't like putting her head all the way in, and today when we went she was purposely dunking herself!! I think she's figured out how to hold her breath under water because when she dunks herself she doesn't come up choking!  She has also been hesitant to try the slides and today she was crawling up the steps and going down the slides head first. Head first!! A man asked me how old she was, and when I replied 14 months he scolded me and said "you need to be more careful!"  Grr...sir you do not know my child, don't tell me what to do!  You also don't know that she is a water pro and can you not see I am 6.2 inches away?  Sheesh!  Today was just delightful and she was in the water for 2 hours non stop!

One more story for this week...Carly has not been sleeping well at night the past weeks and she woke up in the middle of the night a few nights back.  Brian had to work the next morning, which would usually mean that I get up with her, but after crying for about 5 minutes she started yelling, "Dada, dada, dada!"  Brian's covers were off and he was on his feet in seconds!  I thought it was just adorable that he wanted to react so quickly to her plea for him.  Ha...I guess she now knows what to do if she needs attention in the night! "Dada!!" 

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