Tuesday, May 7, 2013

"Dancin' Queen"

Friday evening we welcomed Grandpa & Nana to Florida with open and excited arms and already this morning we bid farewell.  I think this is their shortest trip they've ever had, but we packed in lots of fun over the long weekend.  Friday I was running a Chamilia Charm event at Tren-D, so I had a 2-hour earlier start time than I usually do on Fridays, which meant I was off in time to pick my parents at the airport at 5:30pm.  Carly was a bit thrown off when so many bodies walked into the house after an 11-hour day with nanny Jen, but she warmed up to them faster than ever.

Saturday it was back to work for both Brian & I, so my parents and Carly spent the day exploring the outdoors.  My Mom made her lovely lasagna (plus 3 bonus ones for the freezer) and we had a nice evening setting this Climber up for Carly.

I was so excited to get it set up, knowing she would love it.  Love is probably an understatement.  She quickly figured out how to climb up the ladder and sit on her booty to go down the slide.  Guess how many times she went down consecutively? Guess.

31.  She went round and round 31 times in a row before we distracted her with something else.  She stayed up way past her bedtime as a result but I think the laughter we got from watching her was worth the stimulation right before bed. ;)

Sunday & Monday were both full days for us!  Sunday we went to church, of course, then came back so Carly could nap in her crib.  Once she was up we were off to EPCOT.  It's the last week of the Flower & Garden Festival, so we thought we'd enjoy playing on the super great playgrounds one last time.

Carly took a snoozer in the car while Dad & I walked around the Boardwalk in the afternoon (thanks, Nana, for sitting in the car with her) and then we all played at the beach while waiting for Brian to get off work.  We then went back into EPCOT for our dinner reservations at the Biergarten, and thoroughly enjoyed our experience.  Carly was totally worth the price of admission on this one!  Check out our little dancer!!

She was certainly the center of attention, and little hands kept grabbing hers to steal a dance.  She was getting a lot of attention from the little boys, in particular.  Can you blame them?

It was also interesting to me that she was the only child on the dance floor who was actually giving attention to the performers.  It melts our hearts that she loves music so much.

She also loved her meal and became quite silly after having a full belly, too much sugar and a crazy amount of stimulation!  A lady even came up to Brian and said, "Is she German?"  Brian replied, "Oh ya!" Haha!

Can you see anything out of place in this photo? ;)

And here's the best from her dancin'! Enjoy!

Monday we had a relaxing morning at home and then hit the road after lunch and headed to Altamonte Springs.  I have been patiently waiting for my eyes to stop changing so I can have Lasik surgery and they have finally stabilized, so I thought I'd go see if I was a candidate while I had some help in town.  Lasik Plus is a fabulous clinic and was recommended to me by my eye insurance company, so we decided it was worth the 45 minute commute North of Orlando.  This is actually my graduation from college present, so my parents were also thrilled to finally be able to gift that to me!  Turns out I'm a GREAT candidate for Lasik and I have my surgery scheduled for June 19th.  There is little risk these days and the Doctor performing the surgery has done over 60,000 procedures!  I don't even think I've gone to the bathroom that many times!!! The clinic was so clean, the staff was very friendly and the whole 2 hour consultation was incredibly efficient! I am more than excited to get to see again!!

The only downfall is that I am on steroids for 7 days following the procedure, so my little miss has to be weaned from nursing before the surgery.  I am so nervous to take something that has been her nourishment and comfort for her entire life away, and I'm not at all ready to lose that attachment with her.  I have exactly one more month of this precious time with her and to prepare my heart, as we will be weaning her the next time we have visitors (which will be Brian's parents in June).  We've attempted weaning before but she throws herself on the ground in utter distress and pleads with me to nurse, so I'm going to have to disappear in the mornings and evenings until she forgets that was ever part of her routine (which is why I need someone else to get up with her in the mornings).  I really think she is too smart to forget in only a weeks time, but my Mom nursed Tiff til she was 18 months and it only took her 3 days to forget.  Anyway, I've had tears over thinking about doing this, so I'm hoping it goes well.  I've even considered postponing the surgery until she weans herself, but at this rate it would be never, and I realize it's not socially acceptable to go beyond about 18 months.  Many of my friends have nursed their baby girls way past a year, and they all successfully weaned, so I suppose we can to.  Okay, enough on that.

After my appointment we met our Realtor at this soon-to-be-hope-to-be-house that I've been talking about for....6 MONTHS NOW.  About a month ago we got a call that said it wasn't looking good so we had dealt with the fact that we were not going to get the house and had begun making plans for little upgrades to do at our current place.  Then, on Tuesday we got a call that with 2k more the home was ours and to move forward with an appraisal and inspection!  So...we have to close by MAY 17TH (which we all know is not going to happen) or else the bank's approval will expire and they can choose to get it re-appraised and counter offer 20k more, which we would then have to walk away.  SO....prayers on that subject would be greatly appreciated.  ANYWAY...we played at the playground and walked the house again, then headed to Disney's Animal Kingdom Lodge for a WONDERFUL and DELICIOUS dinner at Boma.  This buffet was the best I've ever had in my entire life and it immediately jumped to our top three restaurants on property.  We WILL be dining there again!!

As you can see, we had a delightful time with my folks in town and were spoiled with great meals out & a new play place for Carly.  It wasn't too hard to say goodbye knowing we will see them again in less than 7 weeks!!  

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