Monday, July 15, 2013

"What A Beautiful Mess"

EdelWeiss is up and running again!  I am to the point that I almost hesitate writing because I have way too much to catch up on and do not have the time to do so.  But, fortunately there is no written rule on how often one updates his/her blog or with how much information, so that takes the pressure off. ;) 

The past...6 weeks (probably longer) have been everything but real life.  I think "overwhelmed" is the first word that comes to mind, along with an array of other words depending on the subject.  Let me give you a timeline of what EdelWeiss has been doing since May.

May 11th: I come home from work at midnight and am craving chocolate chip cookies so bad that I make them and bake them, from scratch, in the dark.  I think...ut oh. ;)

May 16th: I am craving Olive Garden breadsticks badly enough that I convince Brian & Carly to come take me out to lunch.  I had 5 or 6.

May 19th: My period does not show it's face...I know I'm pregnant...and am a bit giddy about it despite also being a little nervous.

May 21st: I have to put my mind at I take a test.  WE'RE HAVING A BABY!  Daddy comes home from work with a bouquet of flowers because our 4 year anniversary is the following day and I am chopping veggies in the kitchen with my back toward him.  I leave a note on the counter that reads, "Make room, Daddy, I'm moving in! Love, Baby #2."  He reads the note and greets me with my favorite flowers while wrapping his arms around me and tears streaming down my face.  A very precious moment.

May 22nd: We head to Clearwater Beach to celebrate being married 4 years

May 30th: We get a call that we will be closing on our Whittridge home within the next week (despite two weeks earlier hearing it could be another 90 days)

June 2nd: The nausea sets in and every fiber of my body hurts with exhaustion.  I push through to attempt to get some packing done.

June 5th: Brian's parents arrive and we load up a truck well into the middle of the night, finishing in 5 hours then heading to bed during a tropical storm.

June 6th: Brian and I head to the attorney's office to sign the closing documents...then I drive to work while Brian and his folks unpack our truck at our new home in the midst of a tropical storm.  The rest of the weekend was spent cleaning (I was at worked all weekend....Brian's parents were rockstars in all that they did to help us) and unpacking/setting up furniture.  Here's a glimpse of what the house looked like. :)

We were in the house for about 10 days and then left for Iowa for two weeks and have been back for exactly a week.  I am starting to feel like this house is our home and I am so in love with the area, the people and the amenities.  I've found a running route that is the perfect distance for this pregnant mama and feel much better when I can muscle up the strength to get my shoes on, load Carly in the stroller and out the door.  We couldn't be more excited to welcome our new baby into his or her own room come January.  This house is just perfect for a growing family.  Now if I can only get some photos up on the wall and get the rest of the boxes unpacked!  I'd say I've done fairly well being that I nap with Carly nearly everyday to make up for the sleep I miss on my weekends that I close at work.  I don't feel well in the slightest, but I'll talk about that when I talk more about this pregnancy. I hope to post an official announcement in the next few days.  I am doing my best to clean, do daily chores, unpack, get rest, spend time with Carly, have play dates, go on outings and do more cleaning, but I feel that I fall short on a daily basis.  Brian has been so aware of my feelings and my limits and has really stepped up to the plate in taking care of the things I cannot.  I wonder how any single mom can be pregnant and take care of a toddler.  It's hard, hard work.  I am still wondering how many "cleans" it will take before I feel like the dirt I pick up is our dirt rather than the previous owner's.  I remember feeling that way when we moved into Silver Palms, as well. 

All in all, I have a million things on my to-do list but if I can make it through the day without blowing chunks and a smile on Carly's face from a fun day, along with dinner on the table and the house picked up, it's deemed a successful day!  A new house, a new baby, a growing toddler, a wonderful trip to Iowa and a God who has blessed us abundantly! Our hearts and our hands are quite full. :)

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