Sunday, August 17, 2014

"If I Were a Boy" {Luke 7 Months}

First of all...I'm finding it hilarious that I write about my kids every single month.  Like do they really change that much that y'all need an update that frequently? As I am sitting here writing I'm like...sheesh...I just posted about Luke! ;)  I remember thinking Carly had changed so much just week to week and couldn't wait to get it all down on "paper." moved soooo slloooww with Carly so maybe that's why I felt that way?  Apparently we now live in the fast lane...which means a quick post...about a little boy...I love dearly...

I'm starting to notice this crazy mother-son bond that everyone talks about from the inside but from the outside looks totally silly and ridiculous.  My Dad commented on my bond with Luke while he was here and I thought...hmm...even others are noticing this bond that is a new feeling to me.  For crying out loud I baby this boy to the endth degree.  I mean needs to stop.  Good thing he has a father to toughen him up. ;)

With that being said...I'm not totally sure if his lack of independence is because I baby him or if it's because I'm comparing him to Miss Independent or if that's really just who he is.  I guess time will tell.  For now, my adorable little boy still desires to have mama squeezes all day long.  On my hip, in my lap, holding my hand, touching my face...all physical contact is welcomed, expected & demanded all day long.  On the one hand he's super heavy and it's hard to get anything done while he's tagging along and on the other hand the cuddles are the greatest thing ever.  Sorry house...I'll clean you when he's older. ;)

I think this may be my last month reporting on a boy who is not on the go.  Everyday his skills improve.  In the past two weeks he's gone from being on all fours to staying up on all fours, to rocking on all fours, lunging and now can scoot a bit.  He can go from sitting to being on all fours and back and has pulled himself up a few times only to lose his balance and fall over.  He's taken a few cruising steps but really doesn't have the mind-leg coordination to be a successful cruiser quite yet.  So close!  He gets so frustrated with his inability to move and within 60 seconds of failed attempts is usually crying out in hysteria.  Oh ya...and because I'm no longer in sight. ;)  He's also the weight of an average my guess is it's hard for those under developed muscles to lug all that meat around!

Ok...just a few more fun facts:
  • Loves balls...the ones that bounce...and roll...and seriously don't turn that into anything other than what you know it is. ;)  He can be fussy and all I have to do is sit him down and roll a ball back and forth with him or shoot hoops with him in my lap and that frown will turn upside down. 
  • His other desired activity is playing with his music table. His face lights up when he sees it!
  • So far so good in the food category! He's not picky and happily chews on whatever is placed in his mouth.  We even started him on puffs this month just so he would have something to do during the million times/day Carly needs a snack.  I can't even list all the foods he's had...squash, sweet potato, peas, broc, chicken & all fruits except strawberries.  
  • I decided to attempt to skip the pureed food and so we feed him really small chunks of whatever food he's eating.  I still mash quite frequently...but I don't use the food processor. ;)
  • His babble is much more intentional now and we frequently hear some "duh duh duh" with Brian takes to mean "da da da." :)
His sleep rhythm hasn't changed this month (naps 10-11; 1:30-3 & 5:30-6ish & sleeps 9pm-8am with a feeding still some time between 3-5am) but he did go from eating 5, 4oz "bottles" a day to eating 4, 5oz "bottles" a day.  So he's still getting a similar amount of milk in a 24-hour period.  Truth be told I am ready to be done nursing this little man.  He is pretty tough on me and is so easily distracted.  He still really seems to enjoy it and asks to nurse quite frequently but I won't be sad when he does decide to give it up.  Had Carly given up nursing before she turned one I would have been heart it's funny how different the experience has been this go-around.

This little man did not want to take pictures this month but with some crazy noises from me he flashed a few smiles.

He and Carly look so different to me!

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