Monday, September 29, 2014

"Tonight's Gona Be a Good Night" {Luke 8 Months}

We are going to pretend I wrote this 2 weeks ago when Luke actually turned 8 months....because his 9 month post is like 10 days from being written.  I won't go into detail about 8 months and this title is like...well...kind of mean (you'll see the sarcasm momentarily)...but hey it was reality from month 7-8.  Luke's a great kid, but this month was definitely our toughest yet.  I think it partially stemmed from an expectation that I just thought he would be a more independent baby by now.  Although I continue to give myself pep talks that I should continue to carry him around because soon enough he wont want to be in my arms anymore....and that I should continue to comfort him in the night because these years are so short...blah blah blah...the matter of fact is I'm exhausted and every now and then I'd like to have some free arms to clean, cook dinner, hold Carly, go to the bathroom (yes...he sits on my lap while I pee), fold laundry...the list continues.  Please don't take this as a complaint.  I adore my kids and I have a very blessed life.  This month he was just annoying.  That's it. That's all. Still love him. ;)

The night thing is tough because I do feel obligated as a parent to teach my child how to sleep.  He's not hungry but I have committed to feeding him once in the night until breastfeeding is no longer a thing.  The two, three, FOUR times he wakes up screaming in the night, however, just isn't okay.  We usually comfort him due to fear that he will wake his sister, but I'm to the point that CIO might just have to happen.  I guess I'll let you know where we land.  I'm way past "tired" and certainly in "exhausted past normal brain function."  I think we can all agree that when a mama works such late hours and will only get 5 hours of pillow time in the first place, it becomes taxing emotionally and mentally when he's up 3 times in those 5 hours.  Plus the head pain level is pretty extreme...the other day I nearly fell down the stairs because I just couldn't get my eyes to focus.  I'm dizzy a lot.  Needless to say, my baby needs to sleep.  What suggestions do you have for us?

Luke is a happy and very social boy.  He loves going to the church nursery and really enjoys play dates.  I think I expected him to be more of an introvert since I already have such an extrovert!  Silly me.  As of exactly 8 months he still wasn't crawling ( depends on your definition...he was army crawling but not on all fours) and therefore quite frustrated at that.  He loves being outdoors, thinks we should all live in the water, enjoys anything with lights and has an incredibly high pain tolerance!  Any of this sounding familiar?  I think those 4 things were how I'd describe Carly at 8 months as well!

Here are his pics!

Why do I even try?? ;) ;)

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