Sunday, April 22, 2012

"I Should Be Sleepin' Instead of Dreamin' About You!"

The past two weeks have been mainly filled with exhaustion, but fortunately this weekend we put an end to that!  I got really tired toward the end of our trip to Iowa, so I was looking forward to just relaxing during the day and snuggling with Carly during her naps.  But...then she got a cold so sleeping through the night was no longer.  After she got over her cold we decided that it was best to put her in her own room.  This is something we would have done at 6 weeks, but because we were in Iowa it had to be postponed.  So then we were going to move her the night we got back but instead kept her in our room to tend to and monitor her runny nose and cough.  So...8 weeks old and into her very own room she went.  After 5 nights of being up with her much of the night (she decided to start sleeping 2-4 hour stretches rather than 8...Ugh), Brian suggested we bring her back into our room just to see if that was the problem.  Lo and behold...9 hours later Carly woke up.   I know Carly wakes up at least twice every single night because I hear her playing in her bassinet.  I think when she is in our room, can hear us and smell us, she feels secure and puts herself back to sleep.  BUT, when she was waking up in her own room she felt lonely and therefore called for us.  Then she would get herself all worked up and not be able to go back to sleep.  So now she's been in our room the past 5 nights and tomorrow night we will try putting her in her own room again.  We just felt like we needed to get her sleeping through the night again before setting a precedent that it was okay to call for us after only 4 hours of sleep. We are going to attempt putting her in her bassinet in her room rather than her crib like last time.  We put her straight in her crib hoping for only one transition, but apparently we have to take "baby steps," if you will.

Other than that Carly continues to amaze me with her maturity.  She is such a different person than she was 2 months ago!  Even though I loved the gentle snuggles of having an infant, I'm really enjoying her these days!  She started to bat at her spider this week, found her precious little feet, now prefers bright colors rather than black and white patterns, is having very alert awake time, which, for the most part, is filled with joy, and best of all, she is becoming quite the pro at entertaining herself!  She has been gracious when we've put her down for naps (her first 8 weeks she literally wailed EVERY time we put her down for a nap) and even if she wakes up from the jostle of being put down, she can generally soothe herself back to sleep.  What an obedient little girl!  Sometimes, she will even wake up after only 15-20 minutes of sleep and just sit in her swing looking around for 20-30 minutes, then decide she is still tired and close her eyes again for another 20 minutes or so.  CRAZY!  I'd like to thank our wonderful parenting and schedule for that, but Lord knows she's just mature for her age (aka a good baby). ;)  She's becoming easier and easier to take care of which is helping my confidence about leaving her with a sitter in the next few weeks when I head back to work.  I think the Lord has blessed us with a level-headed and rational young lady.  I sure hope that continues. :)

If you think of can be praying that we find a babysitter for Carly every Sunday and every Monday for 2-3 hours in the afternoon.  We are having a bit more trouble than we thought getting someone to commit to every week.  We must have it figured out by May 20th.

I'll leave you with one of her two month pictures I took this week:

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