Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"Jesus Loves the Little Children"

I love singing this song to Carly. We sing it nearly every time we bounce on the ball (which is at least 5 times per day). Besides for that, however, it was also the theme of this year's Palm Sunday as Carly was baptized! It was an incredibly special day and we felt so loved as many of our friends and family gathered to celebrate with us. Carly is very loved and we are grateful for that!

Carly was an angel during her baptism.  She woke up that morning at 6:15am, which was nearly a perfect set up with her sleeping right before the service and waking up just in time to experience her baptism.  She was still sleeping when we walked up during the service, so I gave her a little nudge, propped her upright and there were her big beautiful eyes.  She was happy and awake throughout the baptism and then gracefully ate the rest of the service, ready to have some play time while we took pictures at the conclusion of the service.  Seriously, perfect timing all morning long! Here are the photos we took of our little family, us with Carly's Godparents, Chris and Nikki Voss, and Carly with us and her grandparents. 

After the service we all went to Rich and Rhonda's for a delightful brunch and fellowship.  After meeting over 30 people and being passed from arms to arms, we got a great family photo of the Weiss family!

Carly did great throughout the entire day...I'm so thankful that she's become quite the social bug.  There were a couple weeks in there that she really didn't want to be in anyone's arms but mine, which gave me some anxiety about going to Iowa.  Fortunately, as she matures each day she seems to realize that having other faces to look at is interesting and fun.  Let's hope that stranger anxiety doesn't creep in right before I have to go back to work.  Thinking about Carly crying is almost worse than listening to it!  But that's tomorrows worries...I'm just grateful for a special day with family and friends and ultimately grateful that Jesus loves my child even more than I do. :)

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