Saturday, April 28, 2012

"Palm Trees are Growin' and a Warm Breezes a Blowing...I"

"...I picture myself right there.  On some beach, somewhere."

Brian, Carly and I had a wonderful weekend together!  We love spending time as a family and it's much easier to take adventures with two parents rather than one.  So Carly and I look forward to Daddy being home each weekend so we can do more than just take a walk around the neighborhood (although the older she gets the easier it is for me to take her places).  Now, so that there isn't confusion, when I refer to our weekend, I am referring to Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  So really, it's the middle of the week for most of you!

The weekend started with me sleeping in while Brian had some Daddy-Carly quality time.  If babies can have a love language preference, Carly's is certainly quality time!  I am a night owl and Brian has become a morning lark, so each of us can get a sufficient amount of sleep on the weekends.  I miss not going to bed and waking up at the same time together, but it's just a season.  Anyway, after some sleeping in, I got up to feed Carly again and Brian was in the kitchen making pancakes from scratch!  Yum!  Then Carly took a nap and we were able to have some alone time.  It's so wonderful being able to set her down for naps...and wonderful that when she wakes up from them she can entertain herself for 15 minutes or so.  I think I will start taking advantage of our visitors and leaving Carly with them so Brian and I can have some dates!  I had no idea just how important that would be.  We've pretty much decided that we each year we need to get away just the two of us for at least a weekend.  Anyone interested in flying to Florida to babysit? ;)

Next up was out to lunch at our favorite Mexican place in Florida, Abuelos.  Not super authentic, but it will do.  The last time we ate there was actually with my Mom, 3 days before Carly arrived!  After lunch we headed to Babies R Us to buy some goodies.  We really needed another car seat base, some wipes and some diapers!  She is still in newborn size and the only place we've found that sells a box of NBs is B'R'Us.  We also spent some gift cards on plates, bowls, spoons, sippy cups and snack cups.  In just 3 months she will begin eating real food!  I know that's over twice her lifetime, but it will probably come quickly, so it's good to be prepared.

After B'R'Us we stopped in Celebration to take a walk around their lovely lake.  We stopped at Starbucks for a Caramel Mocha and enjoyed the fabulous weather on their patio!  At dusk we came home, ate dinner and lounged on the couch watching TV.  I don't know what we will do once she is old enough to start noticing the TV.  Oh wait, we'll just put her to bed! :)

Wednesday morning (aka, a normal person's Sunday) Brian got up early to head out to the golf course while Carly and I had our normal morning playtime in our bed.  It's probably weird to you that the photos and pictures I post are generally taken in our bed, but that's because I read to change up her scenery throughout the day.  So, mornings are spent in our bedroom, we play in her room in the afternoons and play in the living room in the evenings.  She seems to enjoy it.

That afternoon we had her 2-month check up.  She checked out "perfectly" (I love our pediatrician!), weighing 9 and half pounds and measuring 23 inches in length.  That's another inch from her 6 week check up!  She remains consistently in the 20 percentile for weight and 80 percentile for height.  I like that she is so dainty.  Plus, breastfed babes are often skinnier than formula fed babes.  We've enjoyed watching little rolls form on her thighs. :)  Unfortunately for our Carly, she had to have 3 shots while we were there.  She was right in the middle of falling asleep when I had to lay her down and wake her up to get stuck by a needle!  She was NOT happy.  We heard a new cry that day...I guess she had never been in pain like that before.  Poor girl.  Her legs have been sore ever since and if we touch the bruise she cries a little.  She has wanted to nurse extra long the last few days and has run a slight fever.  All normal things...not looking forward to her 4 month shots.

After shots we decided to take a walk around the Boardwalk.  It was again, a gorgeous day and Carly got her first taste of laying out on the beach.  Here's a pic of her first "beach" experience:

Brian and I treated ourselves to a slushie and as we were walking back to the car Carly started to get a bit fussy.  I so wanted to offer her a little taste of our treat as she was making a noise that told us she felt left out.  As soon as she can start eating foods I'm sure we will always give her a taste!  How fun!

That concludes a productive and fun weekend filled with family time.  Now Daddy is back to work which means I'm back to work as well.  Devoting each and everyday, all day, to a baby is hard work for sure!  I go back to Downtown Disney work May 6th...only one more week of fully being home.  That went by TOO fast!

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