Sunday, November 23, 2014

"One Thought Crystallizes Like an Icy Blast" {Carly 2 3/4}

This title is perfect for Carly.  Two reasons: first, she still LOVES Frozen. She loves singing the songs, quoting the movie (she enjoys watching youtube clips but not the whole movie), playing with figurines, wearing "Anna braids" and this week has given me the name Queen.  I'm totally okay with that. ;)  Secondly, her mind is discovering and learning, playing, imagining and has proven to be so beautiful as we discover her thoughts.  Whether it be new games she creates, hilarious statements, determined will or super sensitive beautiful as ice crystals. 

She is so sensitive.  Luke keeps pulling her hair and one time I gave him a little push to get him away. She burst into tears, told me not to push him and required an apology.  Oops.  That was a bit refining.  She loves to hug and kiss her friends and her brother, she is terribly frightened by scary things (I love that) and cries harder when her feelings get hurt than any other circumstance.  She's such a sensitive heart and therefore quite aware of her surroundings.

She loves the world of imagination.  This is really just beginning and I know it's going to take off!  Her animal friends are always included, she has very clear expectations and runs with ideas I present that aide in her planning.

Candy.  Always in her thoughts.

Thinks about her family and friends all the time. Invites everyone she sees (including strangers we meet at the park) to come to her house.  She speaks most about whichever visitor was last in our home and is always mentioning her friends; Holden, Taylor, Adelaide, Dani & Mali.  When we announce we are going to play with a friend her typical response is a big gasp followed by, "that makes me so happy!"

She can certainly ramble when those thoughts are trying to verbally escape her sweet mind.  She is terrible at repeating something we've asked her to tell the other parent but is pretty good at sharing a story.  We can figure out what she is saying 100% of the time but others still have trouble understanding her.  They usually pick up bits and pieces; enough to respond anyway.  Our favorite jumbled sentences are:
  • When referring to her being hungry: "My tummy not feel so better"
  • When washing her hair: "Please! Not get my soap eyes!"
  • When she needs to potty: (while holding her crotch) "Ohhhh....I need to..."
Her favorite color is pink, favorite food is pizza (although Salmon is a close second), favorite dress is a blue one with princesses on it or a pink one with hello kitty on it.  She just loves wearing dresses and requests to do so everyday.  Her favorite shoes are pink sparkly ones, her favorite piece of candy is typically a fruity hard candy, her favorite toy is without a doubt her monkey, her favorite item in the whole world is her paci and her favorite place to go is a three-way tie between a friend's house, the Mickey park or church.  Her favorite home activity is reading books and the past few weeks she has had little interest in watching TV.  I think we've gone nearly an entire week without watching TV! I love it and recognize it will not last.  She would just way rather read books.  I love that she has many of them memorized and if we cut out at any given point she will finish the sentence for us.

She rarely complains about taking a nap but bedtime is something she always dreads.  She fights a little bit but not nearly as bad as some/most.  Our routine is to head to her room & get a diaper & her jammies on, then she gets to run circles down the hall, through Luke's room, through the bathroom and back into hers.  She then sits on Brian's shoulders to place her paci up on a wing of her fan, they go turn it on and run under the fan to catch it.  She gets to do this twice.  Then, her & I both put on heels (daddy doesn't have to wear them) and we do 2 jammie dances, even though she always requests 5.  It includes a kick line, running around in circles and moving our feet really fast.  We know a jammie dance has ended when we hear her say "wiggle wiggle" and we all shake our booties.  Seriously.  Then, she puts her hand to her ear and sings the exit song to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Daddy dances like Goofy and I dance like Minnie Mouse and we finish out the song, kick off our heels and climb into her rocking chair.  She gets to choose one book, one song and say a prayer than it's "I love yous," twenty ("tony") drinks of water and "see you in the mornings." :) :) :)

There are times she becomes frustrated and like any two-year-old has moments of making steep demands.  When she is angry at someone she will either throw her hands up and pretend to shoot ice at them or she will roar at them.  I think both are quite cute.  Although she loves most social situations, her need for alone time continues to show through.  I was brave enough to take both kids out solo while Christmas shopping last week and by the final store Carly was saying ,"I no yike people, mommy."  I think that was a very clear way of expressing she was done with crowds.  So we left. :)

Ahh I could go on but I think I've captured a lot.  She is just the most precious and beautiful person I've ever laid eyes on. I couldn't love her more.  I feel so close to her and love being able to reason with her and make requests she can respond to.  I call her my big helper all the time.  She's so easy.  Meltdowns do still happen but she quickly recovers and can use her words to express herself.  I think I could go anywhere or do anything with her.  It just keeps getting better. :)

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